Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Down one I think.

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Drom Carnival might be back on :star_struck: :star_struck:

Letā€™s gauge the opinion of tfk on the origins of covid 19

  • Natural transmission as per CCPs theory
  • Accidental Lab Leak
  • Bioweapom

0 voters

It was a botch job in a Wuhan lab. Trump was 100% vindicated on this


U.S. Democrat Party elites in cahoots with global elites concocted this virus regardless of the loss of life globally to oust Trump because he was ploughing through their fields of deviance and corruption and was exposing to the world the true evil nature of the worlds elites and their wicked agendas.

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Above is the true origin of Coviid 19

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The biggest obstacle to the truth was trump was saying it

Now, now, I thought we were all about ā€œevidenceā€ on this forum?

Itā€™s already been observed that thereā€™s no real evidence for the theory that the virus came from a lab in Wuhan.

Thatā€™s why itā€™s a theory.

I myself wouldnā€™t dismiss the theory that it could have done, I think itā€™s possible, I just think itā€™s funny to see the same people who claim to be all about evidence simultaneously prove that they arenā€™t such at all.

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Thanks Iā€™ll have a read of that later. I wonā€™t have a chance to read it till after the weekend anyway.

Obviously I donā€™t believe a word the CCP come out with and theyā€™re obviously paranoid and unsure themselves about it but none of that means much in itself. If itā€™s itā€™s chimera created in a lab that raises the serious possibility of a bioweapon.

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As weā€™re talking about science itā€™s a hypothesis not a theory.

The evidence that it had a natural origin would be finding the intermediary host between a bat and a human, so far that search has proved fruitless. Thereā€™s a lot of circumstantial evidence to the originated in a lab hypothesis, a large number of coincidences that in many scientists minds are too many to be unconnected.

A pangolin?

Itā€™s a leading candidate, but so far the COV-2 virus has not been found in pangolins. The CoV-2 virus has a segment that is identical to a segment in a virus from Pangolins smuggled within China, but the complete sequence is different.

The US hasnā€™t had a notable encroachment of B.1.617.2 yet, although I read that it is growing. The UK has and has had around 25% growth in cases, hospitalisations and deaths in the last week. That is of concern.

Perosnally I would expect that if enough people are vaccinated, zero is achievable. I expect Covid post-mass vaccination to have a prevalence something like what measles now has.

The evidence supporting the official line is very watery. Iā€™m sure the CIA/NSA would have briefed trump on their Intel hence why he said it, with an anti China stance unfortunately, which made him appear as a racist.

The fact that it is now being taking seriously by the Biden administration adds support to this. There were plenty of the top researchers in this field sceptical of the CCPs offical line. I honestly donā€™t think we will ever find out the true origin as China destroyed all evidence that will prove any theory. An action that will only fuel multiple theoryā€™s.

Personally I believe it was an accidental leak, perhaps a worker made a balls of something tried to hide it (fucking up in China can cause you problems), got infected and brought it out of the lab and spread it. That theory with the lack of evidence is the smooth likely. The CCP theory sounds like BS to me and the bioweapon theory is a dangerous theory as it will lead to war no doubt also I would assume we would all be dead. A bioweapon would easily kill 80/90% of people

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I think natural evolution and a lab leak are both plausible but neither I nor anybody here knows enough to determine the real answer and I also suspect weā€™ll never know the real answer. I donā€™t believe for a second that a bioweapon is a plausible explanation, not that it has stopped some opportunist head the balls in the US from claiming it is.

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The only conspiracy theory on a bioweapon that makes any kind of sense is itā€™s use to fuck up the west economically. Itā€™s highly suspicious that China allowed millions to travel out of Wuhan in January and then abruptly shut the city and province down on January 24th. Up to that point the claim was no human to human transmission, even though the crematoriums were running 24/7.

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Why not?

No one in the world can determine the answer unless the data from the lab was released, and it went bye bye mid January 2020. Even if it came naturally from an animal source it could still have been accidentally leaked from the lab if they were studying it. It a bit suspicious all the lab data is gone.

My man is Shanghai doesnā€™t fuck around with nonsense, he insists it was a fuckup by the crew in Wuhan that caused the initial strains of the virus. Out of fear for their own skins however it wasnā€™t until shit got unretrievably out of hand that they informed the big dogs in Beijing. Their biggest fear was a loss of official status not a global pandemic, in fairness that is huge in Cinese culture.
Once again however the cover up proved worse than the original crime, in this instance quite a lot worse as my man in Shanghai wryly observed

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