Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Prepare for a humdinger of a press conference tomorrow. We’ll all be wearing ankle thingies by Wednesday.


Virtue signalling OIUTF. That’s a first. We have had 12 months of virtue signalling caring for others. Ratting out and curtain twitching. Mary giving out about people meeting up yet visits her sister and throws “with social distancing guidelines” at the end so the virus won’t strike. Fuckong hypocrisy from the lidtf over the last year is comical.

And hego is virtue signalling :rofl::rofl:. We were all murders up to last week


Would you prefer if he had used “shake and bake” or has Talladega Nights been cancelled altogether?

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My only worry is that people will think it’s safe to be in a pub after 11:30 now

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Is this a subtweet?

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That’ll wind up a few…

Adults who can’t differentiate between ‘loose’ and ‘lose’ irritate me far more than they should.


Not that I disagree with the likes of BLM or free Palestine but there is a lot of people who will say last night was a sledgehammer to the face of frontline workers but will say we have to demonstrate oppression thousands of kilometers away

Big Tony would have made a great local soccer manager. Discreetly sticking his head into all the pubs in the local town to see who’s out.


Cooper is hit or miss but I enjoyed his Paul Reid


In fairness Paul didn’t do the leaving.

We have a eircom connection technical (not even a qualified electrician) running our health service.

Think about that.

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They’ll be in fierce trouble when the lads from sky finally manage to scramble the IPTV codes.

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Was he working as a waitress in a cocktail bar?


Edit: thread

This was well known in 2020 but orange man bad and opposes everything he says, even of a stopped clock is right

How is it not virtue signalling? It’s fishing for likes. It’s very needy behaviour altogether.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Hi Tim. When you make posts like this you only prove me right that your entire modus operandi on this topic is “winding people up”, rather than making any actual arguments.

I suppose when your attempts at arguments over the past 15 months have continually been wrong, all you’re left with is the attempts at a “wind up”.

I suppose you at least now admit this, which is some progress.