Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Well you apparently believe that anybody who disagrees with you on anything is “ranting”. You’d want to watch that tendency.

A useless response again by any standards. You used to be able to discuss things.

I’m well able and more to discuss things. What I don’t do is respect the opinions of attention seeking, like-farming gobshites who haven’t a clue what they’re talking about. Like Hegarty.

Sorry if you’re triggered by that.

More ranting. Like I said I don’t think you even fully believe what you’re writing yourself. You’re assuming even more arch positions than usual to try and bother people on the internet. Honestly I think it must be exhausting. You even went on and named it, “sorry if you’re triggered”. I’m tranquilo. It’s apparent that the only one “triggered” (sigh), is yourself. I’m offering this as reasonably as possible as someone who generally agrees with you on quite a lot and used to enjoy a lot of your contributions.


It’s great to see your evolution as a poster.

Except what is being described, the spike protein attaching to ACE2 is exactly what covid does. And Covid can produce millions of copies of itself in our cells which is what leads to disease. The vaccines cannot do that.

Ok m8.

Looks like a real good source you got there.

McDonkey looks chuffed

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An Taoiseach has okayed this.

Hopefully he is a better weatherman than the weathermen on TFK.

Lots of people I know have booked hotels for this weekend to stay and eat and drink in them.

Of course you can’t eat inside in a non hotel restaurant until July.

Not sure the science stacks up.

This is mad Ted.


The WHO were fooled again.

NPHET are still writing guidelines based on 2m distancing

What a bizarre country we live in. A public servant goes to town on a Saturday evening to pick a friend and the next day the government hold a press briefing speaking about local lockdowns if necessary. What the actual fuck is going on.


Swap around “public servant” and “government” in your post and you’ll have your answer.


What was Archbishop Holohan’s mate up at 8:30 in the city centre? Necking a few pints after work probably.