Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

This Hegarty lad has @Cheasty triggered to shit, itā€™s very odd.


A loudmouth hurler is all he is in fairness. How dare he say anything about stuff. Shut up and play.

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Hurlers are all so dull and predictable, they have such predictable opinions. Itā€™s a joke

You wouldnā€™t hear that kind of thing from the Kilkenny robots. These Limerick lads with their rats tails, earrings and opinions are a scourge on the game.

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There was a poster here before who used to write satirical pieces based on that very concept. That kk hurlers especially were incredibly boring and offered no personality or opinions or anything. The pieces were quite entertaining I thought. Iā€™m sure the anonymous writer, whoever it was, would be pleased at the arrival of GearĆ³id Hegarty. Hegarty himself pretty much everyone seems to agree is a lovely young man, hardly a loudmouth mind.



The OIUTF lads are very triggered. Itā€™s remarkable that an ideology that has styled itself as being pro-free speech and pro-bullying is so touchy when a poster boy of theirs gets called a gobshite. :grinning:


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The new plan seems to be, pray for rain. To get people off the streets and back indoors again.


Bullet points

The upper size limit for airborne transmission isnā€™t 5 micron, itā€™s 100 micron.

I told ya. Weā€™ll all be wearing those ankle thingies by Wednesday

The Cure are definitely better than the disease.

Itā€™s worth reading. Just for an example of people following whatā€™s spoonfed to them without question.

The reason they said covid couldnā€™t be airborne was because of a misunderstanding of a study done decades ago.
Masks are important.
Social distancing is useless.
Outdoors is safe.
Better air con systems are more useful than nonsense spacing limits and washing hands us unlikely to be effective
Weā€™ve been completely misunderstanding flu transmission all along as well.


Itā€™s more an example of how something becomes established within the scientific community and isnā€™t questioned, even though a lot of evidence contradicts it. The super spreader event at the church in South Korea was a dead giveaway, the 300+ who tested positive canā€™t all have been sitting a few feet from each other.

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The conference in Boston where it spread was the Canary in the covidmine for me. Iā€™m glad to have been on the ventilation bandwagon from the start. Germans ventilate indoor spaces hugely in summer, not so much in winter. Their levels correspond to that.

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Sounds like @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy was right about science the whole time

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His second time ever being right about something, along with his stance on Cillian Oā€™Connor.

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Depends. Some of science was right