Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Luke O’Neill “put grandpa next to an open window for Christmas dinner”.


The scientists don’t know whether they are coming or going.

Working outdoors will be the new work from home

T will be on to met Éireann asking them to put out a few red weather warnings

Science is constantly changing, if it wasn’t you’d have lads still believing the earth is flat and 4,000 years old.

McConkey rules out orgies.

Prof McConkey said that while socialising can lead to increased transmission, “indoor socialising is much worse than outdoors”, and spaced out groups of small groups of people is “probably safer” than having one big crowd.

He had taken a walk around St Stephen’s Green one weekend recently and saw a lot of people sitting on rugs, drinking “but it wasn’t one crowd, it was little groups of four and six, which isn’t so bad.”

“Going out in small groups outdoors to meet our neighbours is okay by the rules at this stage. But what we don’t want at this stage is a big crowd of one hundred or two hundred, and a lot of intimacy.”

Not dogging though

Outdoor orgies ok?

Only small ones.

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With the condom over your head instead

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6.000 years old, isn’t it?

America has a lot of them. We have a few ourselves.

It’d be sneering and bullying to call that out though.

6025 according to the King James I think.

We’re back with very loose language around “rules”

I wasn’t aware that there are specific laws around social distancing or the number of people you can meet outside. Am I wrong?

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Everyone should meet outdoors.
But we are going to close all the popular outdoor drinking spots.


I haven’t checked in a while but you’d be surprised what they have made S.I. in recent months…

There was no way Holohan was picking up a friend. He drove in to have a snoop.


The Irish can’t be trusted with freedom.

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We’re flying it lads