Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I have mate. The zero-COVID headbangers who make rules and proclamations from behind their laptops need fellas like me to actually get their hands dirty implementing their stupid racist nonsense. I’m pulling the rigger on a month in the US ASAP.


Go with God. Bring me back a stick of rock.

The “baton” of responsibility in obeying the public health guidance has been passed to the individual, he said.

Guidance is just that; guidance. It is not something that must be obeyed. Tony is a dangerous bastard, drunk on the power he has been given.

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I wouldnt say that being scared of your shadow is being cautious. The fact that they aren’t vaccinating people will fuck them long term

Australia are pretty open. They’re vigilant at the borders and the low fatalities show this has been a successful approach. I know some people would prefer they had far more fatalities so they could say restrictions don’t work.

Yeah Australia is doing well, but at what cost long term? Closing the country for anyone abroad, so any family member ill or dying will not be able to have family come home to them. Closing borders within the country causing the deaths of people where they had no access to medical facilities in their own state, but available in another state in the country but just told no. And their economy doing ok so far, but only so long that lasts and the lack of foreign tourism will have lasting effects particularly in rural areas.

Covid is eliminated, so thats great. But tell that to the parents in of the newborn babies in Adelaide who died because they werent allowed travel to Melbourne to get the treatment required to save their lives. Its not always one or the other at each end of scale.


They won’t open their borders until the end of the year.

They’re racking up costs in terms of their universities, attracting healthcare staff and investment, some of which won’t become clearer for a while. We had a couple of stories during MHQ of people being unable to travel. One was a Brazilian woman who couldn’t get her visa authorised and couldn’t afford the cost of MHQ and another was a Filipino healthcare worker with similar financial constraints. You can get away with that for a couple of months, but after a while you become a place that others don’t want to migrate to.

I fully expect that countries will implement early and hard border closures in future pandemics and it’s a relevant point, but as @Gman says there are tradeoffs to their approach. They probably will come out on top still, but they have some very unique circumstances that have allowed for it.

Unaware of the case you’re talking about but it sounds mad that sick kids weren’t allowed move between states. But to use isolated cases like this to attack an approach that has saved thousands of lives is a bit facile.

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Good fucking god.

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Australia’s approach has worked for them. There have obviously been some heartbreak stories, the deaths of the two infants was awful, and a lot of people around the world basically locked out of getting home, but on balance it definitely worked. NZ too. Their situations are entirely different to ours though and arseholes and simpletons who say we should have done the same - we couldn’t - are infuriating.


Wet paint / varnish :face_with_monocle:


Can’t be too careful


Beep beep beep beep

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Ffs. This chap is an unmerciful clown.


Is there any fanny around to remove that?

What a tit

Stuck in Cork too - the poor bastard but at least his Englishness would have been an advantage