Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

So the entire last year wasn’t due to a deadly disease but politics. Great.


The comments under every article on Tony’s decree since Saturday gas been great. Everyone abusing him. The tide has turned. The irish public have finally woken up. OIUTF is coming. It brings a tear to the eye

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@mikehunt the Australians are a beacon of common sense and hope

Those Nepalese coming from left of field, taking everyone by surprise.

My money was on “the Spanish strain”.

No the disease is real and killed a lot of people, that can’t be denied.

This is about a potential cover up that US scientists were involved in. To protect the group in Wuhan they were working with and funding and protect their own work. The key to it is Fachi and those involved denying they funded gain of function research. They are even denying gain of function research goes on when it’s blatantly obvious from published research that it goes on and they are the ones pushing for it. Even though a lot of scientists are opposed to it and the US govt tried to halt it in 2014. Because of the risk if starting a pandemic.

It’s no wonder they panicked in early Feb when one of their own said it could have beeen engineered.

You figured it out :grinning:

You’ve seen nothin yet kid. “The Ballyragget bomber” is on the way. It’s like a slow moving hurricane slowly gathering water just before it hits land. By the time its finished, you’ll be clipping your heels three times saying “theres no place like home”

Fixed that for you.

Government bulldozed their emergency powers through again. Every single opposition TD voted against it.


Som much for Jim o Callaghan et al playing Billy Big balls tweeting about restrictions last week

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You can forget about foreign holidays lads. Stay home and invest in ireland for the summer.

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I presume Mark McSharry voted against.

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McSharry won’t go against the party, he is just talk.

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I see Labour and the SDs abstained in an act of political cowardice.


I’m leaving the second I can

Imagine the ignominy of being hauled off to the gulag by your own henchmen that you fought alongside.


Enjoy mate, you’ve earned it

Yes, their approach has resulted in one of the lower rates of Covid fatalities. 3.5 deaths per 100k of population. A bit behind NZ who have 0.5 deaths per 100k of population but still, compared to the US or UK who have 180 and 190 respectively they are a lesson that a cautious measured approach saved many lives.