Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Weā€™re setting a checkpoint up at the Cross of Black to keep them out.

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The quidnuncs love being told and tell ā€œsure thereā€™s a lad below in the Regional in an awful way from the New Covid. ā€œ

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The number of people on trolleys in the Regional is up from last week. This metric will be rolled out soon id say.


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The whole poor mouth about UHL that they are overwhelmed constantly and asking the public to avoid it (this happened pre covid) annoys me. They never seem to criticise the HSE and government for allowing this situation to occur. It is easily the worst hospital in the country. Neangh and Ennis should have their own hospital on the same level as the regional. One hospital for the population size is the problem. Not the public. I also have an issue with the reporting of this data, why is limerick the only county with this reporting? How can they produce data on cases when the rest of the country cannot woth the hack etc. Also only reporting the scary figures and not what another poster said above that there is only 3 people in hospital with covid etc. The selective narrative is driving public policy with Dr death and egghead now meeting on limerick, rte et Al saying there is a problem in the area based on these press releases and selective data.


Its workplaces according to the press releases, which is factual as they a workplace to teachers. But its narrative not the facts. At least the schools are closed in a few weeks

Adare Ns and Askeaton Iā€™m hearing

Adare was riddled at Christmas too. Sure just close the affected schools and tell parents to restrict movements. I thought that was the plan all along

Good luck with that


Weā€™re in this together

Public Health Mid West seems to have their own comms team.

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Three mails from the crĆØche this morning about covid.

Iā€™m lying here with a temp of 38.5 and the glands in my neck throbbing incessently. I think I may be fucked

Please either read this post outside or donā€™t spent 15 minutes continually in the thread


Where would you like your ashes scattered?

Have a paracetamol and you will be grand

Thereā€™s more schools than those riddled in the county. Not a Dickie bird in the news about it. I heard of a big creche closed too.

Youā€™ll need to go get tested. If you were in a covid hotspot like Limerick you could just rock up without an appointment and have the results back in 24 hours.

Pat Kenny is looking to lock down Limerick.

Rte leading off with fears over the Nepal strain.


Covid Claire looking to defer the resumption of outdoor dining in Limerick, Niall Collins blaming the public.

Itā€™s rare Claire isnā€™t the biggest cunt on her show.


Going to the drop in centre this afternoon

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