Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The Yuf of today make me so proud

Doctator and Egghead meeting Limerick politicians about the spiralling case numbers in Limerick but of course no context being reported in terms of hospital numbers or ICU numbers in the Regional or how they are trending all we’ve got today is 84 in hospital and 30 in ICU nationally


Cases will plateau in a few days and like Donegal they’ll give themselves all a pat in the back that their Zoom meeting stopped Covid in its tracks, despite it always being said by them that it takes 2 weeks for restrictions to have an impact.


That public health mid West is pure lies. Just to drive the nphet/zero covid agenda

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For only the 2nd time in history youth has not been wasted on the young


There are 2 (two) people in hospital in Limerick with Covid.


Came in to DUB to a queue this morning! Serious ramp up of the number of people coming from the east coast of the US. Great to see


We are back!

We’re not back yet but it’s a step in the right direction. Close to 300 people on the two early flights this morning.


My Aunt and her husband arrived in from New York Both in their 80s. They didn’t die from covid


This is correct. A series of national schools have been riddled.

What a numpty @TheUlteriorMotive really is. Get off Twitter ffs

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Is that a parody account?

Big outbreak in Kilfinane? Heard a chap in his mid 50’s from that area is very bad in UL with it.

Anyone hear that?

That Mai Mannix is an absolute pain in the hole.

Makes Katie Taylor sound charismatic when interviewed.

Loads of empty beds in the Regional thankfully, just doesn’t suit the narrative though. I know of at least three National schools with multiple cases and closure but they’re keeping very quiet about that.

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You hear anything?

The Klaxon has sounded. The PMs must be flying around. “Say it’s the schools lads”.


Do ye just wave them through? Any proof of vaccination needed?

No. But I heard that Adare NS was riddled.