Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Why would anyone want to create a positive result bar maybe a day off work etc. But if you did you’d have to go get a pcr test and isolate etc. Hardly worth it.

They also pointed to having 100 or so false positives for a crowd in Croke Park as being one of the reasons not to have a full crowd in Croke Park!


Don’t stick Kerrygold on your Antigen test you ingrates.

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That’s their view summed up

The medics paid from public purse don’t trust the lads who hold down the jobs that fill the public purse with taxes.


Those poor medics having to explain stuff to roaster TDs.

Butter Mike. Butter can catch covid.


You’d instinctively put butter on if you left to your own devices in fairness

I’d imagine that was the TDs take on it.

Have lads been washing their hands in butter all along and wearing coats made from tonic water ?

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Well said Keiran. I laugh when I hear the likes of Tony talk about evidence, as if the bollox is carrying out more rigorous research and testing that other European countries.

Hard to blame the man, their just taking the piss out of him now!

Top story in the NZ press, two children endanger Zero Covid by playing together in a corridor. The NZ military are extremely disappointed.

My eyesight isn’t the best, I was convinced it said Sporting Limerick on those t-shirts until I zoomed in.


Should have let them out to play in the nearest care home.

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Thank fuck for Pfizer or we’d never get out of this


Wasn’t tonic water muted as a treatment early days?

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Science this and science that. It’s almost like people have forgotten that these fucking scientists caused this fucking problem in the first place. That combined with the suppression of proper discourse and open-mindedness would suggest to me that we are totally fucked. Of course science can improve things and help us understand better but the aura of infallability that now surrounds it and the utter hubris displayed by the community at large, is uncomprehendable and would remind me of societal behaviours prior to the collapse of various civilisations.