Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Would you not just have gone the whole hog and blamed the Jews for it?

Dr Tony will have a new project after Covid - the prevention of women of childbearing age drinking alcohol. We need to trust the science.

Dr Tony will be getting honorary membership of the TFK misogyny crew.

Women won’t find a fella if they aren’t on the piss. Birth rates will plummet in ireland

Lads on this thread are turning into Aisling O’Loughlin types before our eyes. It’s very interesting to observe.

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Her Instagram account was removed a few days ago for “repeatedly sharing harmful misinformation” related to vaccines and Covid-19.

She would share the most incredible “there were sparks coming from my arm after the vaccine” stories from her followers.

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“Done with Covid”

If we were in the real world.

Where else would we be.

Your world?

Does anyone remember Naomi Wolf, the famous American feminist who used to give opinions on TV the odd time?

She was famous from the 90s when she wrote a book called the Beauty Myth. She’s gone completely off the wall and has now been banned from Twitter for anti-vaxx shite. Apparently she posted a tweet about how it’s dangerous to let vaccinated people’s urine escape into the water supply and mingle with unvaccinated people’s urine in the drinking supply. Vaccinated people were dangerous to be around, you could get sick off them. She went mad anti-5G as well and tweeted something about how she visited Belfast and she was struck by how peaceful it was because no 5G there. She said Belfast was still as peaceful as it was in the 1970s.

I remember her last big book was called VAGINA and she got interviewed all around the world because of it. I remember seeing her on C4 News and she said the reason men rape women is because the vagina has a direct neural connection with a woman’s brain. She was nearly crying the poor thing. I read an interview with her in the Guardian about that book and she told about how she had a launch party and one of her male friends turned up to make pasta. Whatever type of pasta it was looked like little fannies (to celebrate the book) so her friend joked that maybe it was called “cuntilini”. Naomi heard this joke and burst out crying. She told this story to the Guardian like it was the most horrific sexist thing she’d ever heard in her life, a major traumatic incident, men all hate women.

Naomi would be one for the “women I wouldn’t get along with but I’d ride anyway” or “auld dolls you’d ride” threads. The mind is a funny thing.

The vaccine exists in my world.

Did they ever land on a factor of much more transmissible the Kent variant was? And how much more transmissible again is delta? That would be really interesting to know.

The silly people like to show deference to what the “experts” tell them. They’re not intelligent enough to question things and then make an informed opinion.

The Kent variant was 40% more transmittable than the original variant. The Indian variant is 60% more transmissable than the Kent variant

That’s reassuring, you’re only half cracked.

So if Kent is 1.4 X more transmissible, and delta is 1.6 times that again, then delta is 2.24 times more transmissible than the original?


It’s almost like this is not worthy of rigorous questioning.

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OK Aisling.

No butter or tonic water to be got in Tesco. Tony knew lads would do this

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