Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Let’s look at we know about the virus:

Natural sunlight kills it instantly, hence low transmission in outdoor settings aside from ventilation.
Perfectly capable of entering human cells and attacking lung tissue
Incredibly transmissible between humans
Its airborne as opposed to droplets like many common respiratory diseases like flu or common cold
The variants get more transmissible while also remaining as potent as opposed to common cold and flu which decrease in strength when it becomes more transmissible
The outbreak occurred in a city with a level 4 lab studying bat cornaviruses
The same lab had safety concerns raised in 2018 for virus control
All concrete evidence has been destroyed by the CCP in the early days (possibly before Christmas 2019)
Clear evidence that it was around before the first reports came from China about covid
For the natural spillover to occur as stated an infected bat infected a pangolin, 2 animals that are 1000skm away from each other in nature. These animals were close enough to transmit the virus between them, the virus to live and mutate to jump to humans in that short space of time. And for the virus to be almost perfect for humans to spread.

As @Tierneevin1979 said there is no hard evidence as it has possible been destroyed but there is enough circumstancal evidence to indicate that this is the more likely scenario than the natural spillover. A fella in China had a bad pint and now we have a global pandemic

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Was there social distancing at that conference?


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Go back and read every post on every thread from January 2020 and get back to us with your summary.

Having an article published in a scientific journal is not proof of a lab leak.

I don’t think you’re in any position to talk about “crank” news outlets, given your hyper-arrogant and aggressive worldview so clearly comes from “crank” outlets.

You told us to listen to Michael Levitt, you said Sweden was done with Covid, you said the UK variant was “bullshit”.

But you were, ahem, “right”. :grin:


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I see those notoriously socially uncaring, right wing bloodthirsty Danes have a full house in for the match against Belgium. Big Tony needs to get over there and clean house.


More lies. I don’t understand why you keep misrepresenting, ignoring or making up things that I said.

The efforts to blame it on the wet market and pangolins were both bogus. The first 3 out of 4 cases had no connection to the wet market, and the virus was never found in any animal at the market. The viral samples found there were from humans. The pangolin papers published by Chinese scientists have been proven to be bullshit, they were asked to provide their data a year ago and still haven’t responded.

The single most significant piece of evidence is how well adapted the virus was to humans out the gate. This has never happened with zoonotic transfer, you would have multiple earlier efforts at breakthrough that would have failed to spread. Over 10,000 older (prior to Oct 2019) blood samples from Wuhan were tested, all negative. There was never a case of SARS-1 in Wuhan.

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That’s all he does.

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See, you can collate a load of stuff on any subject and weave it into a carefully crafted narrative to suit something you want to try and prove. You can fire out stuff ad nauseum. It’s called a Gish gallop. People who aren’t very interested in the truth but rather in trying to portray themselves as right or to try and spread a particular narrative for a political purpose - usually populist right-wing or far right-wing - continually use this technique.

As has been admitted here, there is no hard evidence at all. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but until something harder comes along, all it remains is a theory at best.

I don’t buy conspiracies about this, namely the line that there is a conspiracy to keep the real origin of the virus secret. If it could be proved that the virus was a lab leak or man made it would be a massive story. Massive.

Go away you complete gobshite.

Of course not, you have to piece together all the available evidence, and it is overwhelmingly in favor of a lab origin. There is zero evidence of a natural origin. We might find it but so far, nada.

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He did tell me that truck drivers dont use the airport

Calm down petal.

You don’t understand it because it didn’t happen.

At least sleepy Joe is now pushing for the truth and I sure it won’t be pretty very vested interests.

Saying that the research they were doing should not be stopped but tighter safety controls, oversight and regulations is needed. Especially when outsourced to countries that are lax on safety. Gain of function research may prevent future pandemics, as long as it doesn’t cause I.

I suspect the natural reaction from the empty vessels of fear will be stopping all this research without analysing the benefits and risks. Then mitigation of risks

More lies.

OK. I cannot understand how somebody of your expertise and knowledge is not leading the WHO or in Fauci’s job, rather than posting on an internet forum.

The world’s loss is TFK’s, ahem, gain.

So your not interested in the facts that we know and will follow the offical line of the CCP? Far enough mate.

This isn’t a conspiracy and it is snow finally getting taken seriously like it should have in 2020. But look the orange man said it first so it’s wrong and we all know Orange man bad