Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Huge spike in Butter sales

That’s one of the worst articles I’ve seen written on the topic, it’s riddled with inaccuracies and obviously the author has zero scientific background. So the “actual expert” you choose is a know nothing.

The difference between you and I is I actually understand the science involved (to a reasonable level, but I work with plenty who understand it as well as anyone) and you do not have a clue.

Sure you understand the science. As your posts above calling the UK variant “bullshit” would attest.

I suppose all articles that don’t conform with a narrative you’re desperately trying to push as part of your deranged culture war are “terrible” articles, “riddled with inaccuracies”. Unlike your posts, which never contain any inaccuracies.

Jaysus, tis nearly too easy to clamp him at this stage.

I sort of feel bad doing it.

There was absolutely no scientific evidence in December that it was more infectious than previous strains, just speculation. So everything I said there in December was correct.

A lot of the dialog regarding infectiousness relates back to the mistake that was made early on that the disease spread via droplets, and the failure to correct this mistake even up to today. This was a highly infectious virus from the beginning, the R0 is probably 5 or 6. Finding humans to infect is not one of it’s problems.

Look, mate, you took a hard and fast position based on things which clearly weren’t to do with the actual search for knowledge but as part of some kind of wider political/culture war angle. The position quickly proved very wrong. Accept it and move on.

Ok so let’s test out your knowledge. In the seventh paragraph the author talks about villagers in Yunnan testing positive for SARS and how this may have occurred. Is he correct?

He’ll have 4 screens open Googling


I don’t take any position on Covid based on politics or culture wars, any beliefs I have are based on science. Which I have been correct on 99% of the time since starting the first Covid thread in mid January 2020.

I haven’t a clue. But what I am sure about is that there are several such articles knocking around in reputable publications and I haven’t seen any contradicting them.

What I’m also sure about is that you don’t have the critical tools to decipher reality from fiction, because your mindset is that of a far right US culture warrior who literally believes what they want and chucks everything else on the scrapheap.

You’ve been wrong on almost everything since you started posting here back in 2015 or whatever it was, and the pandemic so far hasn’t been an exception.

That’s funny because I strongly get the impression from those who have a massive emotional investment in trying to prove this lab leak/man made theory correct, that this is what they have been doing for the last number of weeks. They’ve been desperately trying to come up with things which accord with something they want to be true.

I have no emotional investment either way as to the origin of the virus, unlike @Tierneevin1979.

You should have stopped there.

One of the most significant things that has been learned is that some of the bat coronaviruses found in Yunnan in 2013 infect humans directly, there is no need for an intermediate mammal. They are however not that well adapted to humans. The gain of function work being done at the WIV was manipulating these specific viruses to make them more transmissible to humans. Looks like they got really good at it.

Go and write an article on it if you think you know that much about it. US right-wing media standards are exceedingly low so I’m sure you’ll find a publisher.

A huge anti alcohol conference, just before he closed the pubs for 18 months


It’s all there already, already published.

I’m sure it is. But a lot of things get published. A hell of a lot. You can find things which are published which can back up literally any belief. GB News had somebody on the other night defending Jeffrey Epstein. That’s what happens in right-wing media.

They’re desperate to find cases…up here they’re actually urging 18-40 year olds to present themselves for testing. It would be laughable if it wasn’t verging on criminal conspiracy. They’re asking anyone with a cough and runny nose to get tested…at the height of hayfever season.
It’s blatantly obvious that they’re desperately trying to reach flu season without lifting restrictions

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Published in scientific journals with peer review. That’s the standard for science, not crank news outlets.

The lights shine down the valley
The wind blows up the alley , oh
Well I wish I was lying in the arms of Mary