Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

We need to shut down rivers.


Now that the Delta variant is in and spreading, it is vital we continue to lock people in MHQ regardless

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We have to keep variants out. Except the Delta variant, which is the only variant that actually might cause a bit of bother.

To that end I am glad to see tha Minister Donnelly has taken strong action and added Mongolia to the list of countries from where we will lock up incoming travellers for no reason.

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The delta variant is about to become the dominant strain in Ireland, replacing the Kent variant

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Tony Holohan is concerned.

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The lovely Claire Byrne is very concerned about the delta variant. Wants us to reconsider opening up fully.
And round and round we go

There is reason to be genuinely concerned about indoor reopening. Especially because no guidance has been issued on ventilation, which is the key to making it safer. Itā€™s a pity that no one could have possibly contemplated this before now. Oh wait.

Because its apparent and on opinion. They have sent the samples for screening but without any proof. Why make public statements like this without the proof?

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Awareness and fear


Iā€™m about as concerned as one of the Hungarian football supporters packed into their capacity stadiums.
If your so concerned maybe stay at home and nod along with Claire


I can speculate that it isnā€™t the delta variant based on all the evidence I donā€™t have.

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They did the same thing with MHQ, claiming a case could be a VOC so they could report it as such. Itā€™s fairly disingenuous but is all part of Comms/PR strategy.

Trouble is again that 20 year olds arenā€™t watching RTƉ. Guess they could go the TikTok awareness route again.

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Only one man can save us now

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Si will be all over this. #BeWell


Iā€™m all for getting Sports Illustrated involved.

What sort of ā€œspeculationā€ is fair game and what isnā€™t?

It seems that ā€œspeculationā€ people donā€™t like is:

But speculation people like is:


Effectively the view of the majority posters on this forum seems to be: donā€™t say anything I donā€™t like.

Despite Varadkarā€™s comments this morning that the delta variant is a cause for concern and not panic, and weā€™re still on course to resume indoor dining from July 5, I reckon this will ultimately be put back 3-4 weeks. Weā€™ve been here before and I think thereā€™s a sense of inevitability about it.

Mandatory Hotel Quarantine has been an abject failure


More of a farce than failure, it was never meant or expected to actually work.

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In that it hasnā€™t been more widespread?