Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

The quarantine hasn’t been more widespread?

It was tasked with keeping variants out. Variants are in.

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In that it hasn’t been applied to the UK?

So long as a few poor nurses are down 2 grand

Would you put hotels along the border?

Well you can be as sarky as you like.

The fact is this forum was telling us variants weren’t a problem.

Now ye’re telling us they are?

I’m not saying anything about variants.

I mentioned that hotel quarantine (which you championed) has failed. Which it has. I want it to stop immediately.

If the Delta is now 20% of cases and is destined to reach near 100% what’s the point of continuing with MHQ?

BTW have those idiot Danes not heard of the Delta?


You may be right. And we will probably continue to not facilitate outdoor things that are actually safe, like attendance at matches.

For all our fearmongering and utter bullshitting about VARIANTS we have decided, for whatever reason, no to do anything at all about the large well of the only variant that might affect us which is sitting nextdoor.

We’ve actually made the policy decision to do nothing rather than take a sensible action, like requiring rapid tests before travelling and on arrival from people travelling from England. We could even apply MHQ to them.

We’d actually prefer to delay reopening another month than take actual preventative measures.

Why take actual preventative measures when you can just take pretend preventative measures and keep everything closed?

We need to let the 7s players out of quarantine, stat.

You literally said “the variants are here” in your last post.

Yeah, because it hasn’t been applied across the board, as it should have been. I’ve always said it should have been applied across the board.

It likely would have failed in a much much worse way had it not been applied to anywhere.

You say the variants are here yet you want all MHQ to stop. That’s like saying, cases are rising so we need to open the pubs. It’s idiocy.

There was never any point in continuing with MHQ as we apply it.

You could apply it in a sensible way but we’d rather not do that.

Yes I said they were here, not that they were a problem.

Your second point is nonsense. The system has completely failed but you’re happy enough to keep people locked up anyway?

Have you thought that maybe the preventative measures we have taken have contributed to the cases not rising as was feared, at least so far?

Well exactly, there wasn’t much point to it unless it was applied in the UK and applied to all people no matter where they arrived from

Ah right, they’re not a problem. Thanks Professor.

If the system had completely failed wouldn’t cases have risen sharply already?

How can you possibly make any claim like that, and how can you possibly attribute it to MHQ?

Does Claire have guests and staff in the studio ?

It doesn’t mean that. It means that the implementation of it could and should have been better than it was. It doesn’t mean that what was done was pointless.

And if you applied it to Britain then you’d still have people moaning “but the border”, ie “it’s not perfect so there’s no point”.

Dunno, she has some buddy on now who was in Madrid last week. She hasn’t started shaming him yet which is strange, it’s almost like it’s ok when she’s knows you


Sure you’re like those people who refuse to believe that any preventative non-pharmaceutical interventions, like lockdown, make any difference to cases. Nothing ever satisfies you. It’s always moan, moan, moan, let it rip.