Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Yes, all restrictions were lifted on March 10th.

Generally the restriction is 25% of normal capacity indoors. But it varies greatly by state, here in CA it even varies by county. So for example we are at tier orange, so outdoor bars only, but I can drive into the city and bars are open indoors as they are tier yellow. But we are and have been the most restrictive in the country.


Have they any timeline on when they expect to lift everything related to that yet or do you think it’s probably here for the remainder of the year?

June 15th is the date for all restrictions to be lifted here (CA) I’m pretty sure everywhere in the US will be open then.


Do you reckon the international borders will be open by then?

They will be cautious I think, based on progress by region and country, but I’ve read July is possible for lifting restrictions on Europe.

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Mrs coming off the PUP tomorrow, for the third and hopefully final time


What sort of fella is the Pup lad?

Big dog in the house mate

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Auld lad telling me that the church are letting 150 into eagerly awaited 10am Monday morning mass. Is attendance at mass back from tomorrow or have I got my weeks wrong? Either way it’s meant to be max 50 people but they’re separating the church into 3 separate areas and they will each be cordoned off WITH ROPE. A touch of the golfgate function room partition wall about this situation.


Fuck me where to start

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“has given you licence”

Begging your pardon Master Tony could I trouble you for a cup of water on this warm day


Hilarious scenes here at DUB. People arriving from Italy having booked quarantine being told they’ve no longer got to go to the hotel and suddenly having absolutely nowhere to stay. And their accommodation budget 1800 quid short.


Have you nothing better to do this evening other than juice yourself over that tweet? Sake

If your waiting for permission to do something that is part of human nature than you shouldn’t do it.

Hurling is over for the weekend so no nothing else to do

Are Italians safe now?

They became safe in a matter of seconds last night


Could they not just stay in the hotel they paid for?

God no. What kind of lunatic would allow that? Sure they’d be in with all the dangerous people like Indians, Nigerians and Italians from the day before