Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I enjoy reading a lot of your posts pal…dont get me wrong. But your view on Covid is off the wall in my opinion.

Once the vulnerable and elderly are vaccinated, in my view there is no reason to block indoor dining and public houses.

I don’t see any sense in blocking it for another 4 weeks, which we both know is going to happen.

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Weve had weak leadership for years pal. This crowd are just another example. Don’t get me started. The working man is screwed. Payimg for the not working and big td pensions. Current leader is a.mumblimg joe covered in shit since his bertie years but they and that nphet crowef will of coarse be in our grandchildrens history books as heros. The western way


People are digging in hard on @Cheasty no more/or as more than me. He lost his Dad fairly recently which is a fairly gruesome thing to experience, and takes years to get a hold of, so maybe it’s best we all ease off a bit and concentrate on Hazel Chu/Darren Frehill.

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Very sorry to here that @Cheasty .

Hes well able for lads here. Losing a parent is v tuf. Rip

The science must be very different in all the European countries allowing indoor dining

Well lads another few hundred posts last night. Have ye come to a consensus yet?

The Danes have 25,000 in stadiums, we have 200. The Danes have indoor dining and drinking. We have to sit outside. The Danes are antigen testing, we aren’t.

Does anyone, at all, think that this will stand to us and there will come a point later in the year where the Danes will be locked down and we won’t? If that happens, I’ll never post on this topic again.


there will be no wet pub open in ireland this year

It was pointed out exactly what the Danes do as regards testing here the other day.

It turned out that lads here don’t actually want that at all.

Who didn’t want to do it?

It was pointed out that the Danes’ tests are not self testing, they have to go and get tested at an approved testing centre, of which there are 666 in the country.

This was met with several objections.

If the Irish were self testing they’d be putting butter on the tests. The Irish put butter on everything.

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From yourself.


I’d have no problem with it. I think we are missing a trick with antigen testing. There’s a huge antigen testing facility at the airport that has the ability to open up travel but it’s not being used. I went there for a test when it opened, it took less than 5 minutes

Self testing in an Irish context is self regulation.

We don’t have a very good record with that kind of thing in this country.

I probably wouldn’t have a problem with the Danish system of approved testing centres for going to pubs when we reach 70% of the population double dosed. Which shouldn’t be that far off. Two months maybe. And in the medium term I think we should roll it out for the next year or so from then.

But I don’t know could the Danish system withstand a Delta surge.

Denmark also shut their borders, at least for a while, I’m not sure exactly what their current position on that is. But all the talk before yesterday’s game in Amsterdam was that none of the Danish support who were there in Copenhagen could travel to Amsterdam and that support would be limited to Danes living in the Netherlands.

What’s certainly clear is that those talking heads on radio programmes and the like, restaurant owners etc, who talk about antigen testing as a magic bullet, don’t understand and don’t want to understand what it actually entails.

Last week Brendan O’Connor had Domini Kemp on, who claimed that we were deeming too many people as a positive test. You can’t argue with stupidity like that. That sort of view is inviting another wave. That sort of opinion is anti-public health.

A nationwide system of antigen testing would also require a massive ramping up of PCR testing,at least x 4.

I was watching Andrew Marr there earlier on the BBC. Andrew had caught a bad dose of Covid despite being double vaxxed. Not a bad enough dose to go to hospital he said but bad all the same.

Who objected? Post these nefarious hypocrites up.

There needs to be more meat put on the bones of the blizzard of statistics that are being fired our way. What exactly do they mean?

It’s claimed that a double dose of Pfizer offers 96% protection against the Delta variant. But what does that mean?

Is it that 96% of double dosed people are stopped from actually contracting the variant?

Or that 96% of double dosed people are stopped from being hospitalised?

Because the answer to those questions is clearly not the same figure.