Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Nope far from the report of 33% published at the start of May. But hey following the science etc

There are lots of scientific studies. They will generally say different things. About the same subject. Real world data is also relevant.

So the Delta variant is going to be dominant AND less dangerous? What a fucking result! If that’s for real we should open even faster.

Go on the Delta variant :ronnyroar:


When viruses get more transmissible they become less deadly. That’s what virus’s want to survive and killing the host won’t achieve that

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You’re quite the fan of cancel culture, aren’t you? Very intolerant altogether.

According to the sindo.

Reopening of indoor hospitality is expected to be delayed until the 26th.

That won’t be good enough for @Cheasty

Thank fuck I booked my week away up north.

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I’m hitting west cork tomorrow. It’s great covid doesn’t attack in hotels.

FoLLoW tHe ScIeNcE.


The 9 euro meals were cheaper deterints to covid, fucking science is pricing us out of indoor hooch

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@Cheasty is the man to ask for the difference between hotels and pubs. He has a quote from every fridget ever invented on Twitter.

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I think you’ve a problem with your keyboard there.

Just looking for science on the difference between both settings? Thanks in advance.

That meehawl bust a gut trying to get the big job. He modelled himself into an absolute nobody - in the hope that he would be so bland and inoffensive that no one would struggle through the grey long enough to identify his failings. And then he handed all the power over to tony, or anyone else who put their hand up


Rinse and repeat. @backinatracksuit , you might as well give me those 500 euros now.

I actually cannot think of a weaker leader anywhere else.


“Weak” leaders are very undervalued.

I honestly dont know how you do it pal.

Your wokeness is fine by me, I couldnt care less.

Each to their own.

I’m not sure what you mean by “I don’t know how you do it”.

I simply give my views, many of which seems obvious to me.

As regards as “weak leadership”, I’ll take it any day over self styled “strong leadership”, which we can all see is a crock of shit and has wreaked and continues to wreak carnage across the world.