Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

They’ll say you Probably need a booster by then and the percentage of the population who need a booster is too high.

If they are looking for a vaccine boaster then @glasagusban is the man.


Seriously pal, this is farcical and pathetic stuff from you at this stage.


I’ve given that a like.

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The answer seems to be nothing bar 100% uptake of the vaccine and complete eradication of the disease will be acceptable to NPHET and other ‘public health experts’.

Of course this ignores those who will refuse to take the vaccine, school children too young to receive the jab and people travelling into the country who aren’t jabbed.

I think people are at breaking point now, the brutal reality is we will probably have to live with this disease forever more sadly. Nearly 16 months in and we’re still way off “normal”, even with numerous different vaccines.

If you suggest we should open up within reason you are accused of wanting to kill people and stack hospital morgues.

I can’t really see this ending any time soon. There’ll always be a new variant or outbreak to prolong this. 50 odd in hospital out of 5,000,000 and we still can’t travel, go to matches, go to a restaurant indoors, go to concerts etc.

And the worst thing is there is general apathy to getting things back up and running among the power brokers. They are quite happy to keep the status quo, all under the guise of ‘public health.’


Ok calm down pal, you’re massively overstating it. Yes it will continue, but also we are quite nearly there. There being a level very close to normal.

My expectation at the moment is that we’ll proceed with reopening as planned.

Get your 5G at the gee-gees.

ISAG have turned on Sam.

That’s some collection of absolute cunts.


Scraping the barrel as they get near the end with a few lecturers in Maths, Irish and Geography.


You couldn’t make it up

The holidays are booked pal

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Seems to be a bit of a split in the boffin ranks. I’ve seen Prof Paddy Mallon, Prof Liam Fanning, Prof Paul Moynagh and now Prof McDonkey all advocating a OIUTF position (to a certain extent) over the past few days. Prof Kingston Mills might have as well now that I think of it.

Niac would want to change tact lively here, in reality their decisions around tiny risks are the reason we are even talking about a delay.

But you just know these are people that are absolutely conditioned not to create a situation where they are sitting in front of an enquiry answering any tough questions.

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Very disturbing that RTE continue reporting news that has been verified as fake.

“Once a symbol of the coronavirus crisis in the Europe, where images of army trucks transporting coffins from the overflowing morgue in the northern city of Bergamo were seen around the world, Italy has seen Covid-19 infections and deaths plummet in recent weeks.”


Or open up everything. Its is same folk giving out about the young people for 12 months that wants this as I’m alright jack. Same folk who still visited friends/family but always said “within restriction/guildlines” or “my bubble” to make it alright and feel they were doing the right thing, when they weren’t, like they had some entitlement to do it.

I’ve been very upfront about how I followed (or not) the guildlines. My problem is the hypocrisy of these people.

Its the sense that they are somewhat more important that they could do these things is what bugs me. More important than me who didn’t give a fuck or you who followed the guildlines as you believe that it’s the best way to tackle the virus. There is no difference in actions to what I and other OIUTF people did than people who claimed to follow restrictions (but didnt).

Despite our differing opinions on the matter I have a lot more respect for yourself, @mikehunt and other LIDTF supports as you appear from your postings here anyway to have acted as per the guildlines throughout as opposed to the group I have described


So Eamon Ryan thinks the main problem is that we’re not set up to have people showing their papers in order to get food and drink? Another name to add to the list of dangerous bastards in the Dáil.


McConkey must have been radicalised by far right extremists.

I see that RTE and the Independent are reporting that Varadkar has said a delay is not inevitable quoting an interview on the News at One.

I heard the interview and he also said a delay of two weeks is also not inevitable and it may be longer.

His point was that we know nothing at the moment as NPHET haven’t yet issued any advice.

Someone should tell him that it’s the government who are meant to run the country, not NPHET.