Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

That’s the point Paul Cunningham made on the RTE News yesterday. We could have a situation where you couldn’t dine indoors in Ireland but could travel to Italy and dine indoors no problem then travel home afterwards.

It’s such nonsense especially with indoor dining allowed in hotels.

I see the chef JP McMahon saying on Twitter earlier that he will have to cancel 2,000 reservations if reopening is pushed out.

That’s only a cod of a restaurant anyway.

A rough calculation of say a modest €50 a head and the two weeks delay would cost him €100k in revenue.

In between knowing more about infectious diseases than Sam McConkey, Orla wants new regulations on ventilation in pubs and restaurants. Might not be a bad idea.

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Now we have a weapon we’ve never used before,
NPHET are looking worried, and they’re going to worry more

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With all the elderly and vulnerable fully vaccinated is this not just now a highly contagious flu. Big Sam is dead right. What is an acceptable level of risk. 1 death in the North last week. There would have been more road deaths.

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This is the discussion we should have been having 1 year ago. At what point do we put the criteria in place where lockdowns and restrictions do more damage that good.

One reservation for each person he killed in December according to Andrew Flood the anarchist.

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This is a key point for me. The unfairness from last year which we were told wouldn’t happen again is happening again.

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Went away for the weekend and ended up eating and drinking in the hotel both nights.
Just wasn’t worth the hassle of going down the town, being limited to whatever venue you could find a table at, and then getting the bollix frozen off you.


I was away the weekend of the June Bank Holiday. Outdoor dining wasn’t an option even so it was all the hotel.

We felt lucky to have it. That is always a bad sign.

Varadkar positioning himself, again, as the big man standing up to NPHET before inevitably rolling over again and leaving Mick Martin take the blame from the business lobby group. It’s gas how he plays him, but it’s awfully transparent at the same time.


One fella who’ll be lucky to get a restaurant reservation ever again.

Prof Walsh also said that modelling shows that hospitalisation from the Delta variant is less than in earlier waves.

Simon Harris said the Covid-19 Delta variant is much more contagious and those who get it are more likely to end up in hospital


Simon is probably modelling for covid 20 there


Any new spreadsheets from Nolan?

This sort of stuff was flagged months ago, as early as January if I remember rightly, by yer man Bell who ran the Oxford vaccine team.

Seems fairly obvious that a mix and match approach between different types of vaccines has to be a major part of the way forward.

Yeah but he’s comparing vaccinated people with unvaccinated people. So that’s obviously a complete crock.

The risk of hospitalisation from Delta is significantly higher compared to Alpha when comparing like with like.