Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Adam Creighton is a right-wing troll attached to Murdoch media. Along with Andew Bolt and Alan Jones he was one of Australia’s foremost screaming Marys demanding Australia scrap their zero Covid policy, and was proven comprehensively wrong. He’s a propagandist. Not surprising @Tim_Riggins is all over him. He’s very predictable in that regard.

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Hardly surprising.

Surely that part of the point of modelling, you have a scenarios ranging from positive to negative

Why do they need to model? We have real time data from uk and elsewhere on delta and its impact on hospitalizations and death numbers with a huge chunk of aged and vulnerable vaccinated


Generaloberst Anton Holomann will not allow indoor drinking at any cost, it is his Stalingrad

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It depends you see. We need real world data for antigen testing before it can be tried. No, not the loads of real world that exists, the other stuff. Then for the real real world data, you couldn’t be using that, you need models.

Simple really.


But antigen testing cant tell of its not butter

You’d hope that nphet’s modelling is so extreme that it loses all credibility. I hope they include more data rather than just case numbers

But apparently what we need is antigen testing not done the way it’s done elsewhere, but the way Paddy likes it, ie, doing it himself.

And the way Paddy would like to do antigen testing himself is to tell you he’s doing it, but then to not actually do it at all.

Simple, really.

You’ll run out of straw.

It makes sense to my mind to model something like this. It takes real world data (from UK and other places) applies it to Irish specific demographics, hospital capacity etc and then gives some context at what sort of scenarios might emerge.

Like they say though, all models are wrong but some models are useful.

The models should be publicly available when clear information as to the underlying input assumptions.

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If you can’t see the problems with antigen testing the Paddy wants it, I can’t help you.

The human temperament, and especially the Irish temperament, is to take advantage of self regulation or loosely applied rules. That’s why self-testing is out. It has to be transparent and above board.

If you want antigen testing, it has to be carried out on site at approved testing locations. There would need to be a minimum of around 500 testing locations throughout the state, and a minimum of 15 per county. It also has to be accompanied by a massive ramping up of PCR testing.

Otherwise, there’s no point.

Good one.

Be interesting to see the letter once it’s published.

Micheal or his source love describing everything as very sobering

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Honestly, you really are just ranting a load of incoherent nonsense, loaded up with your own presumptions and straw men. It’s embarrassing for you.


These are basic, correct observations about human behaviour.

This is interesting, as much for which barrister is representing the man seeking judicial review …


You’re a deadly man for making a big windy deal out of saying absolutely nothing to yourself