Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You wouldn’t understand it.


Obvious solution for any youngster now is to catch Covid recover and be treated the same as a vaccinated person.


Email yer TD’s lads. Do it now. Email the ones that aren’t your TD’s as well


Where is it ?? Let me have a chance to confront my stupidity .

Covid parties like the old chickenpox parties

How will they know they have it?

Runny nose with the delta variant.

Give us the thrust of an email there and I’ll swap in my own cuss words

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We can wish SF need to push a motion of no confidence and 6 (plus) goverment tds to change. SF have been complicate to this farce and the looney PBP won’t vote against restrictions.

I’ve run out likes for the day. Tis a great day for tfk

But sure SF have been advocating for more restrictions all along.

The rural TDs have been the only grouping consistently challenging the restrictions line, no matter how inarticulately they might be doing so.


Our only hope for normality is out living Holohan or getting to a stage where a critical mass of the population are vaccinated and don’t feel the need, or have the good sense not to get a PCR test.

At the very least everyone displease should email their td on what they think. I got a lovely reply from PODs secretary

Good morning @Heyyoubehindthebushes

Thank you for your email which we will refer to Patrick We would appreciate if you could share your contact details/address to allow for follow up

Kind regards

PODs secretary

Will he actually ring me? Poor misfortune

Exactly the gubberment unfortunately will not fall for this. The destruction of irish democracy

PBP are anti-business and, indeed, work in general. They would prefer if everyone stayed in bed and got paid handsomely by the state to do so.


They are playing up the stereotype of people FG hate. Welfare cheats us all

Apologies Eamonn, I see you’re back in the Convention Centre taking leader’s questions and having to listen to Alan Kelly moaning.

The IRA will set us free.

Indeed. The Shinners have previously shared this position but have shifted slightly as the prospect of actually governing some day looms upon them.

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Will they fuck, they’ll probably say the Government aren’t going far enough