Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

No indoors dining by July 19 but they’ll have a plan by July 19. Maybe.

Government surely falls over this?

The fella that got the freedom of Dublin recently keeps the whole country locked up. We’re some shower of fucking apes


I passed Hugo’s on Saturday - Gina working the street like a pro in a pair of leather trousers. They must have the guts of 50 seats on their reclaimed part of Baggot St. outdoor business was gang busters

Does this apply to kids indoor sports too given they are not due to be vaccinated

Indoor activities (such as organised events, return of service in bars and restaurants, training, group exercise, dance) will not proceed as planned, pending the implementation of a system to verify vaccination or immunity.

Even the journos smell shite in the water here.

It’s gas. We were all aghast at the Chinese having a colour coded system to use public parks, public transport etc. A year on and we’re implementing one to allow access to private businesses.

And all without barely a bark.


If there isn’t internal party revolts tonight you can forget about it.

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How ???

If any party comes out strongly against this I will give them my number 1 vote next time


The backbenchers surely won’t support this?

That’s the key point for me.

Apparently the government looked at this as a solution for the area previously and dismissed it as government policy.

Now a bunch of medics come along and recommend it and all of a sudden it’s a u-turn.

Either Nphet weren’t asked initially or they were asked and have now gone back on it. Either way it’s a shit show.

Government have announced a seismic shift in policy after a couple of hours consideration with no idea on how they’ll implement it.


I wouldn’t expect them to do so .

It’ll all be open by next Monday lads don’t worry. The people won’t stand for this.

But they only got NPHET’s advice last night.:roll_eyes:

You can be guaranteed vaccine passports are a permanent measure as well if Nphet and this cabinet have their way.

The country is finished. This is coersion plain and simple and its a total fucking disgrace.

Pubs and restaurants should open up on mass from tomorrow.

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There is constant reference to NPHET modelling . Where can a man see this ??

So the government received this letter last night, debated it for a few hours and then announced that they will be going ahead and creating a 2 tiered society between young and old and they will be asking young people working in these services to enforce these restrictions.

This is actually a bit frightening how fucking stupid this is getting.


Young people will now be asked to work in a place they wouldn’t be allowed sit in after work. The decision making is so mental.