Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

It also appears to ignore that close to 1m people are fully vaccinated and we’re getting through 350k vaccinations a week. Its gas how these numbers that are just created and taken as gospel. If a lad presented those in a team meeting in the private sector he’d be laughed out of the room and told to go and learn how to do intermediate maths.


Its getting to the stage where I’m starting to think the wife ended her own life.

Is Philip Nolan a simpleton?

I’m thinking yes. Not a good sign for the university he’s associated with.


Well done to the govt for today ensuring they’ll lose the bye election

Where do the case numbers come from?

Who will pick up the pieces? Boylan or labour one?

Around 4k positive cases were recorded from last June-Aug.

That was with indoor dining open for the majority of that period and no vaccination.

How can they think 700k cases can emerge in the same season when >40% of the adult population are fully vaccinated.


The country is being held to ransom and heavily restricted by back of a fag box calculations. When the real world data doesn’t stack up you can simulate armageddon with no independent peer review and get whatever answer you like. Added bonus of never being put to the test and proved wrong.

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1m people fully vaccinated
3.68m with at least 1 dose so 2.68m with 1 shot which gives roughly 60-70% immunity
272k previous covid cases so 269k or thereabouts with immunity of some sort.

How they could arrive at 681k active cases based in a population of less than 5m on that backdrop is absolutely insane.

Any word on a Nphet press conference?

The Healy Raes are in effect the opposition now


Hopefully people with actual qualifications will pick this bullshit apart.Its like living in bizarro world.Its insanity. I think they’re trolling us to see how far they can go.

They are complete bullshit. It’s disinformation - it’s disingenuous. NPHET should go on criminal trial over this.

Martin earlier.

‘Other countries may well follow our lead - I don’t know’



Bad day for the lidtf lads. Their political and scientific masters have let them down completely, they’ll be hiding under the bed in embarrassed

Four weeks ago, on June 1st, the UK was down on 3,165 cases. Yesterday’s figure was over 22k.

That’s a growth rate of over x7.

If you open pubs it’s easy to see how you reach that x7 times growth, and it doesn’t stop there, it keeps going, because there’s nothing to stop it.

x7 growth would have us up to near 3,000 cases.

Another week on from that and you’ve likely reached 7k.

If people don’t think things like the Galway Races wouldn’t act as superspreader events in that context they’re fooling themselves.

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Tony has to go
Martin has to go

Into the sea with them

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One bit of truth in that anyways


The vast majority of drinking and gathering for Galway races is outdoors, not indoors

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