Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not so. The Galway Races is a gathering of people which fills the city to the gills, and fills every pub and indoor setting to the gills. You literally couldn’t get a more favourable environment for a superspreader event.

What about hospitalisations in all of this? Because that’s what it’s all about.


Traditionally yes because there’s no spacing restrictions indoors normally. For this year you would have more people outdoors purely because bars / restaurants need to force people to sit at tables and not move around freely. I’m not saying it wouldn’t be a cause but just pointing out it would never be the same as normal years and that no indoor venue could be full to the gills.

These fuckers are constantly moving the goalposts.

Meanwhile in the real world…

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Yes yes, that’s all obvious but it really doesn’t suit Sid’s silliness.

It’s about several things. It’s about vaccinations, which will keep hospitalisations down. It’s about not inviting superspreading events before enough people are vaccinated. Those two things help to keep cases manageable, which keeps hospitalisations down.

But lads just can’t resist the urge to cut corners. They see the summer and they want indoor pints. They have their pints, but they will be outdoors.

Ultimately this is all about selfishness. The urge to cut corners for personal satisfaction, instead of waiting.

It is what it is.

A lot of apes walking about with jaws hanging open up in the dail. Making independent decisions, plans etc beyond them

Its my first time inside this thread in about a month so I forget these things

Maynooth innit?

Mr Nolan has form in wasting taxpayers cash and forcing people to sit at home


They’d be full enough, and the city would be full enough. If you hold an event, you won’t stop people coming. The bank holiday weekend in Galway a few weeks ago was hairy enough as it was.

Nolan seems like a nasty little man.


Deputy Collins sent me a one sentence reply. The cunt

Thanks @Heyyoubehindthebushes .

I have noted with interest your views as expressed.

Kind regards,

I think the whole board is in agreement at the need to ban horsey horse

Willie just double speaked me.

“Nphet have too much power at this stage and I do not agree with the easing of restrictions.” I presume he meant the opposite

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On that basis what impact are the Euro games with crowds having? Hungary have full stadia and there appears to be little impact on their cases. Denmark the same.

Send that off to a journalist - “Willie O’Dea has said that NPHET have too much power!”

A bit of a freudian maybe