Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

most irish media outfits actually made a profit for the last 12 months, something they failed to do for years.
Government spending taxpayers cash on covid related adverts has Journalists earning salaries without the imminent P45 hanging over them.
Objectivity gone.


Have they actually just decided all this on in the past 6 hours?

I wonder have NPHET bitten off more than they can chew. This might be getting out of control even from themā€¦

55% and 29%, so combined is close to 2x.

I suspect they have not really thought it through.

Their rule change captures indoor sports for kids.

A proper journalist might ask that question too.

Anyone who questioned them in June 2020 was a conspiracy theorist. Oh how the tables have turned

I think the big mistake here is assuming a case fatality rate of 0.3%, when there is zero evidence to support this. How the fuckity fuck could the CFR be similar to 2020 or January 2021 when there was nobody vaccinated? The UK are averaging around 20k cases a day and had 3 deaths yesterday. At 10 deaths a day thatā€™s a CFR of 0.05%, lower than the seasonal flu.

They are basically arguing there is no benefit to vaccination, or immunity acquired by prior infection.

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This is a very fair point.

From what Iā€™ve heard the Delta variant has run free in North of England in areas where vaccination take up has been poor.

Surely the excellent take up of vaccination here in the 26 counties is a major plus for us in fighting this new variant or variants because there is no other option available to us to be any safer.

I havenā€™t been following the recent case trends carefully. Has there been any suggestion that there is a growth based upon existing restrictions/activities?

Q. Have NPHET factored that the Moderna two-dose mRNA vaccine produced neutralizing antibodies against delta as well as beta and eta, variants first found in South Africa and Nigeria, respectively?

simple question.

Get the answer hacks.

All vaccines produce antibodies against all known variants, the only difference is in efficacy between vaccines.

Moderna researchers tested blood samples from eight people for antibodies against versions of the spike protein from different coronavirus variants, including delta, which emerged in India. The vaccine ā€œproduced neutralizing titers against all variants tested,ā€ the company said in a statement. The results were released on the pre-print server bioRxiv.

The protective proteins are called neutralizing antibodies because theyā€™re capable of preventing the virus from entering cells. Compared to the quantity of antibodies produced against the main version of the virus, neutralizing antibody levels against the delta variant were reduced by 2.1-fold.

Shares of Moderna gained 5.9% at 10:24 a.m. in New York.

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Anyone not getting Moderna tomorrow morning is a mug

George wants a harder lock down

Hospitals are under huge pressure says george

Heā€™s buzzing

I think the assumption is that as the Delta variant becomes dominant it rises overall cases quicker than a fall in the Alpha variant can bring them down. As the Delta steadily gains dominance as a percentage of all Covid cases it sort of lurks under the surface, with cases still plateauing, and then at some point, when Delta has gained enough dominance, you start to get a steady rise.

So a restrictions regime that is good enough to keep bring cases down or at least plateaued if Alpha is dominant - as has been the case with Ireland since the January surge - is suddenly no longer good enough when Delta becomes dominant.

I definitely think the emergence of the Alpha variant around Christmas played a significant part in the sharp rise then, even if the evidence is at best incomplete. It has to have done.

The biggest factor driving the winter wave in the northern hemisphere was weather, people spend most of their time indoors with windows closed so poor air circulation. You see it every year with the flu, Covid just happens to be airborne and much more contagious. The second factor was people gathering for the holidays, again happens every year and happened in 2020 regardless of people being advised not to. In Ireland specifically the have a meaningful Christmas advice wasnā€™t the smartest.

We are actually in the sweet spot now in terms of case reduction for the next three months, people should be outdoors as much as possible and indoor settings should be as well ventilated.


The Government were very innocent in their dealings with Nphet last night. Having got the hand grenade from Hot Lips at the last minute they should have postponed the Cabinet meeting and sat down with himself and Nolan and interrogated the data and the recommendations. Bizarre that they allowed themselves to be bounced into an absolute mess yet again. Also beggars belief that Donnellys office is on the same floor of Miesian Plaza as Holohans and they never discussed the advice letter before it was issued.


I disagree, this virus has shown a propensity to multiply in every climatic condition and we have seen huge waves in every climatic condition and season. Layers of interaction are the key. By opening pubs you pile an extra layer of interaction on top of the interaction that goes on in houses. The more layers of interaction you have, the more the propensity to spread. I mean in the UK it has gone from 1-2k to 22k. Thatā€™s in May-June. At best you are talking a very minor reduction in propensity to spread in summer versus winter due to people spending slightly more time outdoors in summer, but even in summer most people spend most of their time indoors.

Pubs were open for three months last year Jun-Aug and there were 4k cases in that time period.

700k expected this year according to the NPHET loonies with loads of people fully vaccinated.

Covid must have done a serious preseason this year.