Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

It’s generally all about alcohol from the moaning I’ve read so far.


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The models seem to ignore that for under 40s the Delta variant seems to largely cause bad hay fever symptoms

The only way out of this will be for the people they trust to go for a PCR test but don’t trust to not butter an antigen test to simply stop going for PCR tests

I want to go watch a championship match, I’ll happily drink my warm cans from the dog track outside on the track if that’s what it takes

Kids indoor sports are gone again. Pending full vaccination. Kids aren’t on list to be vaccinated.


I added the “very” for emphasis. Because it’s self-evident to me that if you open pubs, little more than a doubling in case numbers over a period of 90 days is so optimistic as to be completely and utterly fantastical. Scotland more than doubled in three days. The UK has had x7 times growth in 4 weeks - without any change in the restrictions.

Even if we were to to tip along at the same level of restrictions we currently have, it’s very realistic to think there could be significant growth, to well above 900 cases per day.

If you add petrol to that by opening pubs, you could certainly be looking at the x7 growth in four weeks that the UK has had.


You’re too much of a dimwit to make a coherent point.


I love the authority with which you stated it was very optimistic. Speaking from a real position of expertise.

That’s the question, and it’s something we will know more about in a month’s time, because the UK are ahead of us. They will serve as a guinea pig for us.

Watching SSN there in the build up to Eng v Ger, the crowds converging in the background is serious.

Next couple of weeks will tell a huge amount over there.

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Sure it’s quite obvious you don’t believe there’s any such thing as expertise on this subject, well, perhaps people who say the things you want them to say.

You’re not dealing in reality, you’re dealing in what you want to be true.

Are you saying the next two weeks are critical.

They’ll be interesting that’s for sure.

Meanwhile back at the Lions tour

I think it was the the authority with which you pronounced on the thing you have no expertise in at all was the best bit. Very optimistic modelling. Brooking no arguments. Very good stuff mate.

Well maybe…are they testing the vaccinated, pr are they just testing youngish people who dont need the vaccines? Or is the delta variant a bit of a cod of a thing

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None of this is particularly difficult to understand. We’ve had 16 months of seeing how cases ebb and flow to see what can happen. We’ve seen what can happen when a more transmissible variant arrives and how it can send things haywire in terms of cases. We’ve seen what can happen when caution is thrown to the wind. We’d be as well off to heed the lessons, rather than be all hubristic about it, which is obviously your chosen approach. There are genuine reasons to be optimistic but there also very clear reasons to not be a corner cutting gobshite who invites trouble for the sake of a month or two.

It seems a bit of a cod. In last 4 and a half months in UK the Delta variant has killed 117 people.

Can a journalist not challenge NPHET with actual data


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