Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

If only the Dark Horse was open to drown your sorrows.

I wouldn’t piss on Kilcoyne but I might shuffle down to Denis alright!

Denis is a gent, like the auld lad. I hear Christy Murphy passed away, another lovely man.

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Had a lovely drop of tea with @Batigol yesterday morning.


The HSE’s systems have been fucked since inception, so yeah probably

Have the NPHATZEEs came out of their bunker to face the media yet?

We still can’t tell the ECDC what our figures are, apparently (but we were able to tell the US enough to get off their redlist) :roll_eyes:

Very plausible.

What’s bugging me is the absolute negativity towards Antigen testing.


If they release all their data, which I doubt they will, it could be the end of nphet. Here’s to hoping anyway

I admire your optimism - even if they’re way off they’ll take the moral high ground of ‘saving lives’. You really think Martin is going to challenge them?


The spineless cunt wouldn’t even challenge the misses in an arguement between getting a Chinese or Indian on a Friday night I say

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^ yes, this is the key.
It is incredible to witness NPHET dismissing Antigen testing.
Might be time to investigate investments, holdings and interests associated with current testing contracts?


Giving lads freedom of the capital city and cheering on the likes of the above has ye where ye are. Ego’s just devour acclamation like this.


Given the scale of the problem they say we are facing, it is absolutely bizarre. Even if it’s as ineffective as they say it is (and it isn’t) it would still catch some cases and shave a few percent of the growth rate. If the situation is as dire as we are told, we need to use all available tools.

Ireland uses only two available tools: vaccines and lockdown.


I genuinely don’t think there are a glut of tourists. But whatever are coming in aren’t using the airport. Vast majority there are still essential workers, people relocating or people travelling for personal emergencies (funerals, sick relatives etc).

Cost an Indian man 3700 quid to MHQ himself and his wife after being home for a funeral. Both had tested negative several times on their trip.

a new low for devitts from what used to be a noble pub


if Dr tony and his band of not so merry band of men believe their projections, then why didnt we go to lockdown level 5 last night?


There are plenty of yanks mooching around my area which is popular enough considering it’s proximity to the Rock of Cashel.

They should get it repainted now with him as a supervillain.