Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Holohan said to Martin he would advise to keep indoor hospitality for the ā€œforeseeable futureā€. In his letter, no metric was given. What he said was specific on his demands and what would allow you in- not testing and the requirement for a vaccine.

Itā€™s beyond contempt that he landed this at the 11th hour. They do not care about the impact of their restrictions.


Given our record on departing from the rest of Europe so far, how likely is that weā€™re right?

Absolutely spot on!!!

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At least SF are finally going against the government taking NPHETā€™s advice as gospel

Tony probably didnā€™t even look up from his keyboard when he told Martin
He probably left Martin standing up in the office as well

*im assuming this was a face to face humiliation

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The Healy Raes need to set up a party

Furthermore, the failed Christmas reopening can be traced back to the unnecessary and heavy handed restrictions maintained through summer that most of Europe didnā€™t have. They will store up the same problems again if they donā€™t allow a release.


ā€˜Remember what happened at Christmas Meehall ?!!ā€™ Is all heā€™d have to say to make government foldā€¦that card will be played every timeā€¦

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In fairness to the utterly shit government, theyā€™re not on particularly strong ground to depart from the public health advice given what happened last time. Youā€™d forgive them for being chastened by the experience at Christmas.

ā€œBegging your pardon Dr Holohan, Iā€™ll slink back to work as leader of the country nowā€

Well then just accept weā€™ll be under the bed forever and be done with it ā€¦and because we havenā€™t budged there will be a win of sorts to celebrate as we have taken no risk to increase the risk!! ā€¦yes minister stuff ā€¦

An open goal to roll out antigen now. He canā€™t have it every which way.

keeping our country under zealous restrictions is brought to you by the contemporary version of the mentality that gave us the mother and baby homes - ably assisted by cowardly politicians.

these public health incompetents have spent their careers ā€˜preparingā€™ for our current dilemma yet they are behind the 8 ball at every turn. Failures.


Has to be. If they use the Digital Green Cert as applied to Ireland, you could only use private PCR tests that cost a significant amount. ā€œPay to playā€ for 20 year olds- they surely could not countenance that. However, nothing surprises me anymore. Very interested in how this by election goes, I I hear FG got some less than pleasant welcomes on the doorstep yesterday.

Digital cert allows for antigen testing also, weā€™ve just opted out of that for travel. We could always use it.

UK CMO/CMA looks like heā€™s going to give them the green light on July 19.

The chief medical adviser has warned ministers of a challenging winter but said that England is on course to ease restrictions on July 19.

Professor Chris Whitty said at a cabinet briefing on Monday that the increase in coronavirus cases was not leading to a sharp rise in people needing hospital treatment.

If you read their own prep statements, theyā€™ve gone against half of them. Thatā€™s what annoys me the most, as someone who supported their so called expertise at the beginning. I trusted them that a travel ban on China and Italy was pointless, yet 15 months on they want de facto travel bans. I supported them on delaying a lockdown until the last moment, they then turned into lockdown forever merchants. I trusted that they would take account of the overall well-being of society, they clearly just care about their Covid case KPI and not being criticised in the media in the short term.

I know that yeah, assume we could only apply the cert in the same way we do for travel if you get me.

This immediately opens up issues on access and affordability.

A total shambles, thanks Tony.

Olympus has fallen, taking redundancy due to downsizing of department and I was second last in on length of service(other lad took a different position). The only department reduced the only person paid off. Got a phone call already off the boss of a new company to begin the process of hire next week. Fuck Covid id a handy number there with JP.


is the continued lockdown anything to do with the HSEā€™s systems still being fucked i wonder