Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Look up the parable of the grain of rice and the chessboard. Itā€™s remarkable people still donā€™t understand it.

Its way too early to draw any conclusions, throwing out percentages like that without mentioning what is really a very small number of people is disingenuous

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Iā€™m not sure how obvious something has to be for people on this forum to understand clear trends.

For more evidence, Scotland is up to 3,887 cases today. As recently as June 21st they were tipping around 1,200 to 1,250.

The decision to keep pubs closed here is 100% the correct decision.

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Like theyd really open end of September when that came round

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Good point.

cc @Tierneevin1979

Would the Nuclear option of a strict cross border lockdown for say 3 weeks matter a joy in slowing this down in your opinion?

on june 4th they had 992 new cases and 4 deaths, yesterday they had 3118 cases and 1 death.


We need to get cracking on this for six to eight weeks down the line. Real meat on the bones. People canā€™t seriously talk about Denmarkā€™s Corona Pass system as a model for here and then cry ā€œapartheidā€ when a system is proposed to enable pubs and restaurants to open up.

x does not necessarily equal y

Delta is already spreading in Ireland, as you would expect when there is no MHQ for travel from the UK. Only a Wuhan style lockdown will save Ireland at this stage.


What was hospital exits?

applying a bit of context to your introduction of non contextual numbers to try and support the actions of the medical junta


doors mostly

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ā€œMedical juntaā€.

OK. :rollseyes:

just get back under the bed

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Fully vaccinated Art?

yep, got number 2 yersterday


Would explain why youā€™re being such a pain in the arm today.