Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Feeling shit or just cocky today?

cocky, felt like my arm was dislocated after dose 1

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Good to hear, buddy.

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Of course they can. Denmark’s model includes testing which is freely available so it is far more equitable. Our plan locks out a massive cohort of society. They are very different proposals. You are being disingenuous again.

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cheers bud, when are you up?

Cases are obviously going to rise, I don’t think anybody disputes that. It’s way too early to say this leads to massive increases in hospitalisations and people in ICU

oh on my day buddy, i can be a real dose, as can you :smiley:

But lads complain that too much testing increases cases and we shouldn’t bother?

There is no point lads getting worked up imo. 2021 is done & dusted.

Until we’re all vaccinated there’s no more fun fun fun……

Next weekend I’ll be fully done or just fully microchipped

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Not enough young people want the vaccine

Young people can’t go to the pubs without the vaccine

Young people want the vaccine

Eamon eamon eamon

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good stuff, glad to hear it

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It’s exactly the same principle. You’re positively discriminating towards those with a vaccinated/negative test status.

It has also been a regular talking point here that MHQ should not apply to fully vaccinated people - and I would have some sympathy for that viewpoint.

But that would apparently be apartheid too.

Another talking point pushed out by the OIUTF brigade is “think of the business owners and the workers”.

Now yis are being offered a plan, and yis are rejecting it flat out.

Yis want to drag everybody down.

His lack of self awareness is staggering tbh.

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I didn’t?

Easy just write off another 6 months if you’re still employed and a comfortable life at home with your family. Not everyone is in the same boat. Another 6 months is a lifetime to others.


Ah shure we all love a bit of needle.

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Environmentally friendly tbf

People objecting to caution or just plain wanting to take their chances.

My reply aimed at the point as opposed to directly at you bro.

It’s completely different. You’re some boyo for deliberately missing the point when it doesn’t suit your argument.

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Fully agree but on the flip side there are plenty quite happy with their current lot and unwilling to return to work that is available.

Massive shortage of Labour in some sectors.

Unfortunately there is no magic fix here and lads getting wound up over it are accelerating their aging process and nothing else imo.