Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Depending on your view of Covid restrictions itā€™s either here ā€¦

Or hereā€¦


If you draw Sweden in the Euros you get a bye

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I say will never know the CCP have swept it away for definite answers and the WHO are taking their word as there is no longer solid evidence. There is enough breadcrumbs for speculation. What accelerated the concept of not investigating this was trump, Iā€™m sure the CIA etc would have briefed him on this evidence and he came out blaming China.

I donā€™t think this was a malicious leak of the virus but an accident. If it was a weapon we would all be dead thatā€™s the scary part. It does raise an ethical question on the research into viruses. Do we do it to preempt a natural mutation and tackle it then or stop because human error can occur like probably happened here.

Hopefully MnRa technology kicks on and eliminates this risk in future. We have made a massive jump in medical science with it and itā€™s possible uses will be world changing


Weā€™re way ahead of you.

If you liken last year and a half to a world war then I wonder will be see similar advances in virus technology as we saw in aviation technology over WW2.

I wonder will other infectious diseases be much reduced simply due to a new focus on hand hygiene, not going to work if sick and social distancing


All that nonsense will be forgotten about before 2022.

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Are there lads still claiming Sweden had a great Covid?

Iā€™m never shaking another hand.

Iā€™m never washing my hands again.

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Itā€™s all about Tony again

Anguilla, which is apparently a real place, has been added to the Hotel Quarantine

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Also a big help will be people will realise the importance of personal health. Staying relatively fit, not getting obese and other lifestyle choices like smoking.

cc @Bawny

Tony afraid weā€™ll all go stone mad on the antigen tests and barbecues.

The medical junta have no time for personal responsibility.

When the pubs open and lads go stone mad and we have 8000 cases a day theyā€™ll be vindicated.


These variants are some cunts.

Itā€™s hard to know whoā€™s worse between the variants and the experts

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As an aside, in principle the mythical Travel Advisory Group should be seeing this and under their terms be introducing quarantine for travel from the UK.

This obviously wonā€™t happen which once again shows the quarantine regime was a Donnelly led sop to the Zero-Covid aligned elements of the electorate and not a serious policy.


It was a bit of that but there is also a serious set against travel among senior health officials and has been for over a year.

They see how the PH doctors rule the roost in Aus and NZ and want some of that.