Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Nate has annoyed a few people here

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Anyone have a sub to post this up for us cheap skates

We must prepare for the worst possible outcome according to the LIDTF crowd. Except when it comes to potential issues arising from lockdowns, obviously


Have they mentioned the meteorite?

Can’t be ruled out.


I can’t see how they think they can stop people going travelling on holidays to Europe in July. The article also suggests we are going to break with the EU traffic light system and decide on what European countries we will and won’t allow travel from. That would be stupid, I expect it won’t happen, although there’s been no limit to our stupidity on this issue before so perhaps I’m wrong.

They don’t want people travelling. For whatever reason, they just have an issue with it

No one in ICU in COVID-riddled Donegal right now

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Donnelly gave them a nice little pat on the head for staying under the bed the last few days.

There’s a cabal of senior health officials that don’t want to back down on this, despite all evidence that they are wrong. The government have marched themselves up to the top of the hill on this and now they are looking around and seeing how difficult it is going to be to save face while while climbing back down. Meanwhile you have a minister for transport that is generally against air travel anyway.


It’s a pity. It’s a sector Ireland had traditionally done well in. I don’t see it coming back to anything like what it was.

You’d have to wonder what it is about “the most open and international economy in the world” and the fact that we’re a fucking island they don’t understand.


You were happy enough to let them ride rough shod over your constitutional rights for a year. But you are pissed off now because you can’t go to torremollinos for a week


That’s it exactly.

We booked a week in France in September. Its half the price it normally is. 4 of us out and back to perpignan for under 500e Lads would be mad not to do it.


Ooff Ouffff GIF by memecandy


Fucking hell.


Trust the science they said.

Pat fucking skewered him.

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He physically squirms just after two minutes.