Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )



By god


Oh oh

Chump is done

I suppose I could summarise that as “I think people are calling for self-testing based upon my own biases and because it suits my argument”

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The butter and other foodstuffs charade has no place in a serious debate about the effectiveness or value of those tests. It’s mental stuff and of the same worth as saying you might get a certain result if you shove them up your hole. It squirrels a necessary debate on their use into absurdity and is a deliberate attempt to undermine a worthwhile tool.

They may not be as accurate as PCR tests at detecting infection, but they are highly effective at identifying contagiousness, that is undeniable and a significant benefit.

NPHET’s dogmatic refusal to acknowledge their benefit and allow them to be used to restore social activity is not grounded in science. It is paternalistic exercise of control that stems from an unexplained lack of trust in people to act honestly, and they have pushed this narrative to avoid a proper discussion on why they can’t be used in a supervised setting.


Court intrigue tittle tattle nonsense. Accelerating the vaccine programme makes no difference whatsoever to the decision to keep pubs closed now.

Chump dealing with Holohan is a bit like Smithers with Mr Burns I’d say, which is ironic considering Chump seems to model his public appearances on Mr Burns


Nice way from ministers to distance themselves from their own decisions

Did anyone suggest that it wouldn’t be used by a person at the establishment? If I correct it is tested at the airports on the continent by airport staff @Batigol?

Again I never said it was open to abuse but 99% of people are responsible and will do it correctly.

Also thanks for the compliment but we have to acknowledge @Batigol @Tim_Riggins @glenshane @endakenny @artfoley @tank @the_man_himself and many others for their troyjan work


This is entirely spot on.

Ireland’s Chief Scientific Advisor has been strong in his support for antigen testing. He is correct. Hit Lips and Sid are wrong.

Incidentally, at the beginning of the pandemic he advised developing capacity to test the entire population every two weeks, something Denmark (cc Sid) has almost done and are working towards. (He was dismissed)

Roll out your own plan for antigen testing so.

Denmark has 666 approved testing locations and carries out 200k PCR tests per day and 500k antigen tests. It then uses what on this forum and widely on social media has been termed “apartheid” based on this for entry to bars and restaurants. If you think we can match that, and implement it effectively at every pub and restaurant in the country, I’m all ears.

But the Danish testing regime has also yet to show it can withstand the Delta variant.

Track and tracing was a disaster since day 1. It collapsed twice dur to incompetence. Of it worked right we would have near zero cases.

Whats a trained person? A doctor/nurse or a college student on a 10er an hour who read the leaflet and signed a form from the HSE saying they are now trained?

But it doesn’t. Another one of your entirely bad faith and dishonest arguments.

The Danish system and what we’ve proposed are not the same.

It’s a lie to suggest they are similar.

Delta smelta, bring it to me. Bring it on
I will be a super spreader for the people, its our only path to freedom from the incompetents


In countries across Europe they’ve trained schoolchildren to self test. Every child tests themselves each week. This picks up hundreds of cases and prevents further infection.

So in this instance, a trained purpose is a schoolchild.

What utter bollox is this? Some sort of counter-argument to the point that antigen testing is credibly used elsewhere yet not here? Or is it you just acting out that you’ve been called out on your presumption that anyone suggesting antibody testing is doing so in bad faith?


You call everything that clashes with your worldview “dishonest and bad faith”.

That only says everything about your dishonesty and bad faith.

I’m genuinely puzzled as to how you expect to be taken seriously by anybody at this stage.

Is this not a very simple method?

You take a home Antigen test in the morning, it returns a positive result. You contact Work, you then contact your GP to notify him/her and then go for a PCR test to confirm all is correct.

By doing the above it puts accountability upon the home tester as the GP & PCR test means no bullshitting can be done?

I’ve asked you a question. Answer it.