Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Prof Paul Moynagh was quite good on Dunphy today. Sounded fairly dubious of much of NPHET’s projections and general strategy.

Interesting that he’s working under Nolan in Maynooth, nominally anyhow

Couldn’t they have modelled it?

They’re already there, they’re called pharmacies. Let them administer the tests.

Yeah but it’s not a massive conspiracy that they didn’t.

I wonder is holohan losing the plot ? You’d think somebody would pull him aside and tell him to ease up. It seems this has gotten very personal.


I completely disagree and I’ll tell you why.

Firstly, I believe the decision had been made before the advice was finalised and secondly, even if it hadn’t, the question had been asked and NPHET were aware of this.

So NPHET were certainly in a position to model it, and didn’t. In a scenario where they are presenting five model scenarios don’t you think it would be relevant to consider this? Furthermore, their letter didn’t contain any caveats about a shift in vaccination changing the outcomes.

So, at best they purposely stayed silent on a piece of salient information when briefing the government (I’m not entirely sure but I’d say it wouldn’t be far off a firing offence for most civil servants). At worst, they purposely misled the government.


Why would they do that?

Also the overall situation isn’t materially affected.

Reasonable point.

I would say that self-administering a nasal swab is pretty hard so having someone else do it is no bad thing.

I am only vaguely following this conversation, because I ignore almost everything you say, but I will fire out a proposal that I have spent literally only 2 seconds thinking about-

  • a pub / restaurant / nightclub that wants to open hires a trained person to perform antigen testing for the night
  • as I imagine it a trained person doesn’t have to be as well trained as a nurse but they’ve maybe just completed some kind of course. Or maybe there like home help nurses who ordinarily give insulin shots. But I’m only putting 2 seconds through into this so hey,
  • if you want to go to the pub you to the antigen test and pay maybe €20 towards it. This goes to the cost of the trained person for the night
  • you also present you ID
  • voila

Was that really so fucking hard to think up?

Another alternative would be that you block off the entrances to Temple Bar / Spanish Arch / Eyre Square / whatever dive Limerick people drink in and have trained people doing antigen testing at the entrances to those free zones. €10 per person. If the businesses in Temple Bar were up for this why shouldn’t they be allowed do it?

Your “no workable plan” thing is very very unconvincing. Deliberately obstructionist in fact.


A few of us on here warned of this 12 months ago. Offline I got shock and appalled looks when I said the man should be in jail and shouldn’t be trusted.

12 months later we have been proven right

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That fucker needs dealt with

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By the way, @tallback is right, it’s not his job to give a plan.


The Level Up Arcade Bar are leading the revolution

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Holohan is extremely arrogant. I think that’s apparent at this stage. (We can give examples)

He is also convinced in his view that the public health guidance (restrictions) and vaccines are the way to beat the pandemic.

He is not therefore not interested in working to facilitate living to the greatest extent possible, or indeed motivated to, because it’s not his job. He’s the chair of a single issue committee and is focusing on a single issue.

He is not a bad person, I’m sure he is convinced he is right and that he is doing the right thing. However, he is arrogant, tunnel visioned and obstructive at this point.


@Cheasty what’s your opinion on the Epsilon variant or the Eventual zeta variant

Very concerning


The antigen nasal swabs don’t need to go as deep as the ones for the PCR test, they’re very simple. There’s a bit more faff with the spit ones.

If Holohoan wants the pubs fucked can he at least give us the matches, the outdoor concerts etc

Another thing going unremarked on. Why can’t we do safe outdoor things?