Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I don’t disagree with that necessarily.

I think the key point in all this is the government’s reluctance to be centre stage as is required. Throw Nphet to the dogs. You can clearly see a reluctance by them to come public in all of this because, like you say, they have a role and will ultimately cover themselves.

But upon reflection today I think it’s clear that we are facing a big challenge with Delta. Don’t shoot the messenger.

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The government are in a bind.

We’re still in a pandemic and so we need public health advice.

But our appointed team are problematic. It’s more than apparent now. Why did the letter come so late? To bounce the government into a decision NPHET wanted. Why were the proposals in the letter not adverted to in advance? The government is not supposed to be shocked by advice it receives. Why does our CMO continue to act like a public figure, his role is supposed to be to advise government. Why does our CMO issue public statements that go against government policy? Why has our CMO dismissed the report of the state’s chief scientific advisor on antigen testing? Why is so much of our public health advice at variance with the prevailing advice across Europe in loads of instances throughout the pandemic?


PS I agree delta is a problem.

But I think a lot of that has been enabled by the government.

And the government is in a bind - absolutely. We still have a pandemic.

Anyway we are where we are.

There is a lot of goverment backbenchers playing the big man (or women) on twitter over the extension of closer of indoor dining. A lot of ff in particular. Willie, mcsharry and Lisa Chambers came up on my timeline. Gaslighting cunts. Need to be called out. If they are your TD ensure you email them and tell them your thoughts and they need to vote against the whip and pressure the front benches

Hold on mcsharry is challenging chump

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In fairness it reminded me of General Colin Powell demonstrating to the UN Security Council the Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction capability through the use of Rice Krispie boxes.

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He will end up voting with them in the end.

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How have they enabled it? When Holohan tweets contrary to government policy what are they to do?

They can discipline him or attempt to remove him, but he has strong public support. They’re stuck with him.

FF +3

You give the government too much scope. They can do whatever they want. He should be removed.

I’d put him on criminal trial if I had my way.

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They all do. They cunts

Born in 1995 :frowning:

You’re making it back in iptv subs bucko.

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Great stuff ROD.

The rural independents will save us yet.


More jeremy strawman


All the new found Irexit crowd who were previously anti Brexit will be delighted


A laughing stock.


I had a chat with someone Constitutionally minded today. His view was that it could be an interesting test case if someone opens but adhered to Holohan’s advice on fully vaccinated and people recovered from Covid only getting in.

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