Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You’re a gas cunt.

You cant get covid if you never get tested lads.


A pint in a bit of comfort. It’s not too much to ask

I’m not lying.

Pretty much every country discriminates to some degree.

I know that doesn’t suit your arguments, but it’s the truth.

Scotland today:
4,234 cases
6 deaths

Bear in mind that daily death figures are and have always been a function of your case load from three weeks previous. Three weeks ago Scotland was recording around 700-800 cases per day.

Clearly one day’s death figures is not enough to draw a firm conclusion yet about how these figures will go over time, but neither is it a positive development, it’s a worrying one.

We are standing on the precipice of a disaster of almost unimaginable proportions.

Surely you have the hospitalisation figures and how that has moved?

In uk, overall cases have jumped tenfold in six weeks but hospitalisations have only doubled. Even accounting for the 2-3 week lag that is a good result.

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There needs to be proper analysis of every COVID death going forward. The kildare and Mayo coroner said 99% of them were from other reasons, if you are going to close the country down next November then it needs to be justified.


I know. Them beating Germany was bad enough

There are lads on here like the fat, rich people laughing and partying on the Titanic.


I have the figures for daily hospitalisations for England to hand - link is towards the bottom of this page:

The latest daily figure is 283 on June 29th.

It bottomed out on May 16th at 59, in mid-May the daily figures were generally in the 70s, as late as May 29th it was just 69.

Covid’s coming home.

The death and hospitalisations rate for obese people pre Covid is shocking.

Public health should focus on obesity crisis when this is over.


I think it is important to distinguish between hospital admissions and net hospital admissions/discharges or bed occupancy. Anyway we will learn a lot pretty soon. They seem to be out the gap on 19th come what may.


That’s another lie. You posted a link to a review of EU countries and only two do what you say they do. Why are you lying?

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Delta now the most dominant strain in the country. “We’re not going to stop this” was how Tony Holohan put it.

Any last argument for the Hotel Quarantine is now surely gone?


My GP was blunt enough with me earlier when I asked his opinion.

“ it’s in the community, not the hospitals “ keep vaccinating

There was never a valid reason for it, now the fig leaf they were hiding behind is gone. Outrageous it’s still in existence.

George Lee having an absolute rare aul time there on the news. His mojo is back.

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