Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Heā€™s actually speaking like that loon bird married to pat hickeys son

Call onā€¦ā€¦

That comes across as a genuinely nasty post. The restaurant industry has had the rug pulled out from under it, with very little sense to the decision when you compare it to hotels. Treyvaudā€™s video came across as a bit of comic relief, because you need more than a piece of paper like that to officiate weddings in this country (HSE are involved somewhere, iirc). Then again, itā€™s easy to sling mud from the cheap seats when youā€™re on a government salary. Carry on.


Grossly unfair and youā€™ve just slung mud at a poster based purely on his occupation.

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Iā€™m genuinely annoyed at that, the amount of shit I have to listen to here for my job which I work fucking hard at in very difficult circumstances for very little pay. And Iā€™m being hauled over the coals here for what exactly? Treyvaud is not playing for laughs,

Go fuck yourself

Iā€™m fucking raging here

But good luck, youā€™ll get a heap of likes for the cheap shot


Youā€™ve nailed that right there.

Youā€™ve gone very narky lately,that man and thousands like him have lost their livelihoods over the last 14/15 months.


I like the way you edited the end there.


I donā€™t know who that man is but I can tell right away heā€™s been pushed to breaking point and isnā€™t playing for laughs.

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There was nothing cheap about that shot. It was well earned.

I donā€™t know anything about him but if heā€™s in the restaurant trade Iā€™d safely say heā€™s hurting,unlike the lad collecting their pay every month courtesy of the tax payer.

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And off on their holliers now, without a care in the world.

Ah stop man.

The internet is a serious business. Not everyone can handle it.

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It doesnā€™t take much sometimes to push a man over the edge

TFK is serious business. Lads can pass the time.e on Boards or Hogan stand but TFK is different gravy.


Youā€™d want to be well at yourself at times. It takes tremendous fortitude etc

Ah here, youā€™re not back to these lies again?

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TFK is tough goin.Almost like milking cows,a full time job

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Here come AOCheasty with the wooden spoon