Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

More restrictions than anyone else AND more covid than most.

We MUST follow our public health advice.

Ireland has fourth-highest incidence rate of Covid-19 in the EU

Ever get the feeling you’ve been had?


Next 6-8 weeks lads. Be grand.

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We’ll all be in level 4.5 for Christmas. There might be a special amnesty for Christmas day where you can meet family outside your bubble in a park for 1 hour. The great unvaxxed will be the reason why allied to the fact that the most vulnerable cohorts haven’t got their booster shots yet. No one will be quite able to figure out why cases are so high with such punitive restrictions. “Remember what happened last Christmas” will be a distant memory. Antigen tests will be a great stocking filler.

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We need 80% vaxxed with the 3g vaccines to protect the vulnerable

That’s easy to figure out. Despite, or maybe in spite of the punitive restrictions a load of cunts like @glenshane ignored them, refused vaccination and keep spreading covid. It’s a mission now for them.

I’m beginning to find it very hard to believe we won’t be under some kind of restrictions for all of 2021

I’m sorry but what the fuck is he on about?
In 6 to 8 weeks we could realistically have 75% of the adult population fully vaccinated. A lot of the kids are getting the one shot Janssen.

There was mention a month or 2 ago of workplaces bringing back employees in September in a hybrid WFH and office approach. There is not a hope of that happening now. Our offices in US, France, Germany are doing this already but by time September comes and cases inevitably rise there will be a call for more restrictions as schools need to be safeguarded. The similarities with this time last year are uncanny both in terms of messaging and actions. We really are being held to ransom by trainwreck that is HSE. There are 60 odd people in hospital with Covid and we are hearing of chaotic scenes in our hospitals.


Which would make you wonder what the fuck a lot of posters here are on about with their tinfoil hattery.

Yer man Colm Henry said today people are about more leading to more little accidents happening which is filling up our A&E’s.

We cant be having that like.


Yeah its not really just about the vaccine, its efficacy or in fact covid. Its about protecting the health service, clearing waiting lists, A & E not being clogged up every weekend from people involved in drunken brawls outside pubs, substance/alcohol poisoning at gigs/festivals. There is a myriad of reasons why they don’t want a full reopening.


Ah!! I misread that at first. I thought I saw "one shot Jameson"

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This is exactly what we said at the start and we were dismissed as cranks

Who would have thought that having the HSE run the country would lead to attempts to avoid any scrutiny of how the HSE have mismanaged the billions they’ve siphoned off the taxpayers over the years

The greatest albatross around the neck in this country is the HSE. We have a taoiseach who helped set up HSE by combining all regional health boards and had however many 1000’s of administrators doing essentially the same job. We have huge waiting lists because private consultants are using public tax payer funded facilities to line their own pockets in a 2 tier health system. People complained for years about the HSE, how it was managed and maintained. The cyber attack and lack of IT investment should have further heightened that or even the software they use that could not handle more than a couple of thousand lines to record data. But the narrative has shifted, it is now the publics fault for ending up in the HSE system in the first place and needing care now. Don’t come unless it is really really serious. It is fucking insane but the population have been lead down the garden path. The point made by @peddlerscross further adds meat to that argument. People who thought vaccines were the way out of this are wrong. We are where we are because of our healthcare system and its total inability to look after its population.


Biggest mistake ever made when the HSE was set up was not having a redundancy offer and laying off of admin staff.


The next 6-8 years will be crucial.


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The health authorities have made a rod for their own back with the constant fear mongering and manipulation of data. The public and media are on red alert and won’t tolerate a situation where there’s dozens of people in hospital with a respiratory illness out of a country of 5m.

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How does that work ? They get access to everything for their own private use by agreeing to be available for a few public hours ?