Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

I wonder where we are on the table for PCR tests?

I think there is a public private ratio of patients that consultants must adhere to as part of their contract with HSE. I stand to be corrected but maybe it is 75:25 public vs private or something along those lines. The problem is its totally open to abuse and has some consultants treating 50% public vs 50% private. They can use tax payer funded facilities to feather their nests so to speak. There was closer scrutiny of this a few years ago but not much since then. I guess its easier to pull the wool over egghead Donnellys and Simon Harris eyes. Meanwhile waiting lists grow longer and longer.


I guess it does beg the question why Ireland had the 2nd highest rates of care home deaths in the world. Answers on a postcard pleaseā€¦
Holohan in order to save HSE discharged infected patients into nursing homes. The enquiry into this cannot come soon enough. Half of all deaths registered in this country were in a care home. Most of the decisions taken have been to protect the decision maker and the clusterfuck of a HSE. Not to protect the population. We will get over the summer first but Iā€™m not sure many people realise what is coming down the track this Winter.


Level 5 by October, and you can take that to the bank


Amazing how theyā€™ve almost pushed the point of people being fully vaccinated to the irrelevant edges of everything. Locked down again by the end of July, or in August?


I was convinced vaccinations were our only way out of this. :grinning:

It was obvious this was on the cards with the boosters on the way.

The public will do what theyā€™re told.

And Claire Byrne and George Lee will tell them to get under the bed.

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Could ye not do a bit more lads?

Good take why have we failed so badly when we have had the most restrictions and best advantage with demographic? Youngest population in Europe after all.

Its a very open ended question but why hasnā€™t this been discussed on a national level. Most of the relevant points have been brought up on here throughout the multiple treads

Honestly Iā€™d say weā€™re just testing more.

To think you were chastised on here for saying you wouldnā€™t get vaxxed as you werenā€™t helping us get out of this.

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Whats the current 7 day testing? It was 130k few weeks back. At that time it was a record

Weā€™re just mad for PCR tests

Sur thereā€™s no money it?

ā€œWeā€™re all in this togetherā€ was one of the worst cods in all of this sure.


Worse still were the fucking gobshites who lapped it up and are still lapping it up.


Ye didnā€™t ban travel from the UK and the delta varmint sneaked in.

Wear the green Jersey mate and fall in line


A country of amadƔns