Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

For children?

Me being told to wake up by Rip Van Winkle…

You are the one who wants to stand still. I want to move on and open up.

I have a solution, mass vaccination. You have nothing but static rhetoric

I do not like the word ‘children’, because it encompasses 17 down to 4. From what I have read, puberty is a major factor in likelihood of transmission. There is quite a bit of evidence that suggests pre pupertal children tend not to transmit.

But what, ultimately, is better? Vaccinated 13yos in school? Or not in school? On balance, the former, to me.

Transmit to who? Their vaccinated parents and grandparents? This vaccine is still being trialled, already it has shown to be more dangerous to healthy young people than the bloody virus. Any fit young person taking this needs their head examined…unless they’re too young to make a mature decision, in which case it’s the adults who are responsible/guilty


Got the vaccine cert in the email today. I got my vaccine in the GPS. Anyone else like rhis

I respect your opinion, especially as a parent, but I do not agree with this claim about vaccines. I would not buy a second hand diet off Ivor Cummins. He is the Tony Quinn de nos jours.

Something has to give. We cannot stand still much longer. And vaccination is the only durable game in town.

If certain people tell me I should accept risk, in accepting a reopened society, because everything involves risk, including car travel, what is wrong with me replying people need to accept the miniscule risks involved in these vaccines?

I want to move on.

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I’m not sure myself, best to wait for the usual trials, assessments of long term side effects etc.

Do you believe everything you’ve been told about this virus/vaccine? What sort of advertising budget does the virus have? Is there any possibility that the stats have been inflated? Is there an element of coercion anywhere to be seen?

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I have nothing but admiration for you lads, schooling these imbeciles. You have the patience of Job. Personally, I think you’re wasting your time. They’re as thick as pigshit.


It’s a sort of a vocation, even if I can just reach one person. @Malarkey is far from lost, he’s just taken to applying his vast intellect towards defying logic. I wont abandon him, @mikehunt etc


I think you could be a long term side effect

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Yeah got mine via email a few hours ago

I’m the same.

To be fair to Murphy he is putting his neck on the block here and I have no time for his politics .

The rest of the opposition are wishy washy as fuck

Murphy has been on the ball about this pandemic since the start and that drives lads here up the wall.

Got the vaccine cert in time for Mallorca next week.


Wasn’t sure if the email was correct

Rent free?

He’s a zero Covid zealot who doesn’t see need to go and work for a living so no wonder you agree with him