Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

And here, on a happier note, is what lads like me liked when a bit younger and in an unventilated spaceā€¦


What relevance does it have to the covid vaccine, vaccine passports etc?

Why donā€™t you back your statement up? Itā€™s wrong. Itā€™s nonsense.

Vaccines donā€™t cut transmission completely, but they reduce it drastically.


What ever happened to the head shrinking sika Virus from a few years ago? Dr Tony probably has that hidden away there somewhere to spring on us in case we get a bit too carried away.

Well, what is the essential difference being needing to have a malaria shot (or a whatever shot) passport to travel and needing to have a vaccine passport to travel?

Exactly what I said that the vaccine does not stop the spread of covid.

Thatā€™s not exactly what you said. Itā€™s nearly the opposite of what you said.

It doesnā€™t eliminate transmission, it drastically reduces it.

I.e. you cut transmission and protect other people by taking the vaccine.

There are any number of differences. For example the malaria shot has been subject to the usual trials and regulation

Does it stop people from getting the virus? simple yes or no?

But what about the 90 year olds who were double vaccinated? They had their whole life in front of them

What you said was completely wrong. Itā€™s ok to accept that. We all learn as we go along. The advice has been shifting slightly all the time.

We should be locking down.

what you have done is dug a hole for yourself because you are wrong and tried to be the big man. I asked you a simple question now Does the vaccine stop people from getting Covid? A simple yes or no.


Level 5 October

He wont, the self styled james joyce has already made a cunt of himself on that front

I accept that point. But a crisis calls for new measures.

How do you believe society can open up in lieu of mass vaccination? I cannot see it.

Be unpleasant away.

I think weā€™ve been over this?

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Itā€™s about time you woke up and started facing reality instead of spouting ideological nonsense, this thing is here to stay, live with it. Thatā€™s the harsh reality. Itā€™s a killer for people of a certain age and condition but fuck me expecting 95% of the population to put their lives on hold any longer is insane


Well, we have, in fairness. And it has corkscrewed down to vaccination, as I thought. There is no other way, alas or alack.