Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )


Are you comparing covid to the flu?

Is Flu a contagious respiratory illness where some people may get very sick and die from it and others will not?


The two can’t be compared. You don’t need a flu jab to get to Magaluf.

Magaluf will renamed Megaflu before this summer is out.

You also don’t need a malaria shot.

It’s bizarre that a year and a half into a pandemic that had turned much of the world absolutely upside down, people are comparing it to the flu.

Completely and utterly bizarre.

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Model update from Prof Nolan. The updated optimistic scenario sees to the benefit of increased vaccination offset by a quicker than anticipated increase in the dominance of Delta. September for easing measures according to big Tone

Natural reaction for some to deny the seriousness of it. It’s their coping mechanism.

Until Epsilon comes along and threatens the reopening of schools.

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The teachers are more of threat to schools opening than covid.

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Here you go lads. Have a read of this, because the TDs voting on it sure as shit won’t. Whatever chance they had of doing so went up in a puff of smoke when the Government gave less than 24 hours for review, with no parliamentary debate. It was lovely to read about the introduction of Compliance Officers, who can march into a premises without a warrant, to sniff out the unclean. Kapos, anyone? This country is genuinely fucked.


They have a ready and willing army of Stasi-esque curtain twitchers around the country waiting to report any perceived indiscretion.


REMs, as @Big_Dan_Campbell recently referred to them.


There’s an easy solution to this. Keep indoor pubs and restaurants shut. It makes sense both from an epidemiological point of view and from the points of view of making the rules easy to understand, easy to implement and staving off resentment as regards differing treatment of people based on vaccination status.

I give it about two weeks after implementation before the idea of fully vaccinated people plus unvaccinated 18 year olds going pinting has to be rowed back on.

Or, we could just introduce an unworkable and unenforceable rule, that very few people will bother to comply with.

Hey presto, the perfect Irish solution to an Irish problem.

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783 cases today. Indoor dining is not yet open.

Here is an illustration of what the opening of indoor dining will be.

A comparison to previous Wednesdays:
June 23: 298 cases
June 30: 405
July 7: 533
July 14: 783

The hearts and minds have been lost …people have done their bit and now want to live again and support businesses that have suffered … society will always find a way …


Focusing on case numbers is quite twee in a post vaccination world.

Fire up your hospital surge numbers again that showed less people actually in hospital.

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