Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Scanning papers and discriminating is not the way.

Be careful now or the Compliance Officer will get you.

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We are not in a post vaccination world. We are extremely far away from a post vaccination world.

That’s great but the virus tends to find a way much more effectively than society can.

We’re at close to 70 per cent with one dose. Maybe over it.

At this stage I’d delay indoor dining by a week or two

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We’re well under 50% fully vaccinated. Worldwide a very small percentage have even had one dose.

Well then by your logic, now more than ever we should live because we’re fcuked going into future… or do people just stay in constant state of fear and misery ?

Not being smart about this but EHOs can already go into premises and see if they pose a risk to health and if so shut them down.

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And labour inspectors too?

Yes I believe so.

It’s up to individuals to decide whether they want to live in a constant state of fear and misery.

The epidemiological situation doesn’t care either way.

No amount of bleating will change what the virus will do if it is let. Adapt to the reality or live in a world of denial and fantasy, with added misery and paranoia should one choose these from the menu.

Who are these Compliance Officers? Are they Gardai or just some group of randomers? What powers do they have? If they ask me for my cert and say fuck off what can they do?

They are EHOs who already have a remit to do health checks on licensed premises and food businesses. They also inspect things like smoking spaces in pubs. They’ve been on the go for minimum 50 years now.


Yeah but they haven’t been checking on the customers it was more the premises so who is to say now with this new power they wont abuse it? After all it is Ireland and nothing more than paddy likes than getting a bit of power to lord it over people.

There’s a strong possibility It’s always going to be that way … people can’t sit around forever …

Dr Glynn at today’s NPHET briefing :
83% of infections are in people under 25 and 30% in children

7,468 cases in past 14 days of which:
5% in 0-4 yrs age group
10% in 5 - 12 yrs
15% in 13-18 yrs
24% in 19 - 24 yrs
29% in 25 - 24 yrs

Median age 23 yrs.


Well they tend to be highly trained officials (I think you need a degree in environmental health to do the job) who have been working within a legal framework for at least 50 years with minimum public fuss or outcry - other than the occasional bit of mirth when you discover that they’ve shut down a restaurant you frequented because there were seagulls in the kitchen. Of all the things to lose your shit over in the pandemic, I don’t think this would be it.


Well said. Should absolutely not have to be said, of course, but…

It doesn’t look to me like people are sitting around, unless you mean outside pubs.

The reality is that we are not near a situation where we can open indoor dining. Cases are going up now and would continue to go up whether we open indoor dining or not.

Indoor dining or not, we’re heading for a situation where extra restrictions have to be imposed again at some point in the next few weeks. If indoor dining opens, it’ll be sooner. If it doesn’t open it’ll be not too long after that.

Mass vaccination (ie. more than 80% of the entire population double dosed) has to happen and it has to happen ASAP.

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