Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

sure itā€™ll be grand

I see they are putting in the foundations for a Autumn/Winter lock-down in Ireland there on the news, emergency power extended until next November ffs


Itā€™s never too early to plan for the next pandemic.

I see Dr Ciara Kelly had a bit of a meltdown on the radio this morning, ranting because she couldnā€™t take her sun holiday until August at the earliest

I heard it. Very self entitled.

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It was wasnā€™t it? Iā€™d normally have good enough time for her but this came to mind

tenor (21)

Well thanks for that considered response. It says a lot more about you than it does about me.

Get used to lockdowns

Iā€™m in favour of lockdowns and mandatory WFH on weekends after stags or all day Sunday boozes

Retail canā€™t get staff

Youā€™re dealing with people who are nothing wrong with dictating to people who they can and canā€™t hug ffs.

August? this year? ye are going nowhere for a few years, and you can chalk that down. They have willfully just destroyed the mid west region economically with their aviation and travel policy, Michael Martin is a fucking teacher out of his depth leading the country, he should be up for crimes against humanity in the Hague if this thing ever ends

Michael Martin should never have got near to being Taoiseach. He should have been ran out of the party after the crash.

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his whole appearance and persona is that of a sniveling rat, under the control of Holohan, he canā€™t make a decision, and tolerates varadkar taking the piss out of out him constantly, any decent manager would have ran them cunts long ago, Eamon Ryan is destroying the country as Transport secretary


This is only a box ticking exercise for Martin. His only ambition was not to be the first FF leader not to Taoiseach. He sold the FF party for that. He will be gone after he hands over to that other cunt Varadkar next year.

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He only wanted the title of Taoiseach couldnā€™t care less about making decisions in the best interests of the country the only consolation is that he will bring FF into the annals of history along with himself


he got a bit of mileage out of the smoking ban years ago, that is well forgotten now, heā€™s a awful toaiseach, (worse than cowen IMO) heā€™s probably a decent person but I canā€™t stand him in professional terms and the job he is doing, absolute rubbish. Holahan tells him what to do. That is very obvious.


I could never stand him. He is ditherer, canā€™t make a decision to save his life and like Enda Kenny before him he only got to be Taoiseach by hanging around long enough. There is nothing likeable about the man. He is the sort that would give a limp handshake.


his physical appearance conveys a serious lack of authority, surely there is someone in FF who can take over? that thing he does with his hand when he tries to reinforce a serious point during a speech, he looks likes uncle fester

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He just comes across as a teacher trying to explain things to students but no one is listening to him. Look at FF there is nothing there, its a wasteland. You can tell how fucked they are that Jack Chambers is being touted as a future leader. Then again FG are not much better folks are tipping Tik Tok Harris as a future leader there as well. God fucking help us.