Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Lads thereā€™s only one possible ending to the goverment powers on restrictions. Lined up against Wall. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Sounds like the opposite of absolute power if you think the Government will get lined up agin a wall and shot?

Superb chief whippery by Chambers tonight in allowing the Sinn FĆ©in affordable housing motion to pass.

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Shannon airport is done. Cork will follow. Soon a foreign holiday will be the preserve of the wealthy only. COVID just sped it up


Iā€™d say Holohan doesnā€™t even bother to tell Martin what to do himself he probably delegates it to Glynner.

Gas in fairness.

Sure lockdowns made the rich richer and the poor poorer. No wonder the lefties were so pro lockdown.


Dublin just became even more attractive to live. All those muldoons heading to relocate back home will be pulling a U-ey at Obama Plaza.

Kitchen Islands > Canary Islands

Pity nobody explained the consequences to the zero covid crowd months ago. They had their fingers in their ears screaming Johnny foreigner was responsible for the death of 5000 grannies

The consequences of Zero Covid

The consequences of opening up ta fuck.


The US has had 600k deaths, mate, Australia has had 910, New Zealand has had 26. You seem bitter the Zero Covid advocates got it right.

Lots of moving of goalposts now from the lads who got it wrong all along. Sunken costs and all that.

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Enda Kenny had a very odd, weak handshake.

Got it right? People die all the die irregardless. Many were already very sick people with a vast majority suffering at least one co morbidity. This arguement has been over and back too many times here. 0.03% chance of dying with covid is very small. There is very little difference in the numbers between texas and californa despite different approaches.

Iā€™ll sign off on the covid tread for good on this. Covid 19 will go down in history as the biggest over reaction in history. Some can see it others have been caught in the hype. People need to come to terms with death instead of living in constant denial of the enviable. Get living or waste your life. Thanks to zero covid and hyper sensitive types we all have lost a year of our lives


Yes, the Zero Covid advocates got it right, those who called for opening up last summer and all through the winter and spring got it wrong. And thatā€™s pretty much all there is to say.

The facts speak for themselves.

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What facts? Are you going to correlated restrictions to an evidential decline in numbers? Or how has the MHQ worked considering the % of case relayed to travel?

Letā€™s look at a real world example of the difference on strategy californa vs texas. Similar populations but californa had a similar approach to us. Yet basically the same result as texas which allowed life be normal to some degree with minimal restrictions but put the ficus on personal responsibility. Texas opened up at a similar point to where we are with vaccine program and look, normality.

The basing success on the restrictions is completely specious reasoning. No one will force you to come out in public if your not comfortable but donā€™t have the audacity to push your views and fears onto others or the general population. Its simple leave people make their own choices based on risk.


Dog Police GIF


Whatever criticism you can aim at Micheal Martin, and thereā€™s plenty of it, this is definitely not true. I think part of his problem is that he listens to too many people in an effort to come up with policy that pleases as many people as possible, and thus ends up with muddled policy which pleases very few people. Heā€™s a weak leader but he is not somebody who does not care and Iā€™ve never seen anything in his political career to indicate that he is somebody who does not care. That FF as a party is in terminal decline and is nothing to do with him, Fianna Fail, and more pertinently the combined Fianna Fail/Fine Gael vote, have been in decline for 30 years.


600k deaths versus 26 deaths should be enough facts for you.

Youā€™re like the proverbial Japanese soldier in the jungle.