Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Wasn’t that just mentioned once as a possible side effect by one contributor to one radio programme? Stupid clearly but hardly fear flavour of the week, it gained traction here because of the anger towards it

You might be thinking of Tomas Ryan’s speculation on autism. The placentitis was acknowledged by official sources

It was iirc a good few days worth of coverage based on something that the only publishe paper on the topic was from a doctor in ireland.

Flu is just like a bad dose of covid


The covid cult only started caring about viral respiratory diseases post March 2020 - deaths pre that point in time don’t matter for some arbitrary reason - the rise of the granny murderer.

Here’s an appeal directly from the Minister for Health for healthcare workers to take the flu vaccine, uptake rates were anywhere between 22 to 40% in various hospitals.

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Yeah amazing how none of them have the conviction to discuss their silence every winter as flu ravaged the health system and cost lives.

Imagine the flu deaths tolls if every death was tested for flu and any dead person who died with a positive case of flu within a set period was arbitrarily recorded as a flu death.

In a post vaccine world, Covid is probably no more dangerous than a bad flu season so why were these dogmatic zealots so silent when flu killed.

It’s an issue these cowards will duck and dodge with all their might.


60 - 78% of people didn’t give a shit about murdering grannies back then for some reason.


Amazing how the zero Covid zealots on here had zero issue with flu deaths and actually do their very best to downplay and diminish flu as a threat to the health system and vulnerable groupings lives.

You’d have to conclude that people who are driving this zero Covid mantra are narcissists and sociopaths who are latching onto the latest crusade to show how righteous they are when we all know the character of some of these people (which is very nasty and vindictive).

The latest ploy of drumming up fear over rising cases that would result in relative deaths and hospitalisations in the O6 has failed spectacularly. You’d think those who came out with these incredible claims and got it so wrong would have the decency to hold their hands up and apologise now.



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This is why Paul Reid earns the big bucks?

Those stats are the take-up by the front line heroes. A slap in the face by the health care workers to the grannies.

Front line heroes are people too. A shin in the throat to grannies (pre March 2020)

An additional superlike could get you over the line with Lauren Guilfoyle :grinning:

What’s hinge mate, has this replaced tinder as the go to app?

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We are hurtling down the tracks to a Chinese style social credit system.


Thats a fact.

This new rebranding has done a wonderful job for flu.

The flu deniers will be outraged at this as in their mind it’s disgusting to compare flu with Covid.

They just need to ascribe a scientific name or nomenclature to the flu and they will all be on board. Flu can sound innocuous enough under its current guise.