Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

Does this mean vaccinating newborn babies?

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I will let the scientists and medics decide whether vaccinating babies is the way to go. The principle holds that as many of the population as possible need to get vaccinated.

The Covid vaccines are not designed to stop people from spreading the virus. Instead, their effectiveness is measured by how well they protect people against illness. We also know that most children that test positive have no symptoms, but a smaller percentage do get mild symptoms such as low-grade fever, cough, etc. - nothing major, in other words. With that in mind, what is the benefit of vaccinating newborn infants?

Again, the effectiveness of the vaccines is measured by how well they protect people against moderate to severe disease, and not how well they prevent infection or spread of the virus itself. Is that not at odds with the principle you quoted?, i.e. that as many of the population as possible need to get vaccinated. That may be true for traditional vaccines, but not these ones.


The vaccines are designed to both protect against severe disease and to severely reduce transmission. The latter part depends on mass vaccination. Children can spread the virus. The more double vaccinated people you have the less places the virus has to go as it is very difficult for a double vaccinated person to transmit to another double vaccinated person.

It has been said of viruses that they are the dark angels of evolution, terrific and terrible. The idea that we can somehow stop them is a specious notion, because they’re crucial to our development and survival (as NZ is now beginning to discover). What we can do, should do, and are doing, is protecting the at risk cohort. Outside of that, we do not have enough data to know the long-term health implications of giving children this experimental injection. I would struggle to understand the mindset of a parent that would put their child forward as a test subject in such a trial, especially considering how many of the existing clinical trials of these vaccines have been knowingly unblinded by pharmaceutical companies. The regulators have continually turned a blind eye.


Seems to be a huge protest outside the Convention Centre.

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We better protect the cohort who can be expected to be most at risk by vaccinating everybody. I would consider letting a novel virus rip on a population as a much more dangerous experiment than vaccinating them. You can call me naive but I trust those who are determining whether vaccines are safe or not. There have been a tiny percentage of adverse reactions and deaths particularly in relation to AZ but these have not been covered up, they have been highlighted. As far as I can see the consequences of not progressively running this virus into the ground as much as possible are too much for humanity to contemplate. We have to get on top of it and urgently. I have confidence that rich countries will and probably quite soon but am more worried about its long term effect on developing countries.

I mean we have a flu season for a reason Glas.

Tempting, but I daren’t.

I know first-hand of myocarditis cases in young adults following vaccination. Last month the CDC’s safety panel pointed to a “likely association” of heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults post-vaccination. We think we’re fixing one problem but are in face creating many others.

I think we discovered with the first lockdowns that you could get to near elimination in the West by using strong government interventions in the market and lots of community spirit.

From there on in they have been incredibly difficult to apply unless applied immediately after a breakout (like the smaller Australian States) or for prolonged periods after it gets out of control (like Melbourne last year). The latter also requires Western governments going a step further, and getting more draconian and authoritarian. Social media is a help in that many in the public are willing to squeal on others and demand lynchings.

All future problems will be blamed on the pandemic or some government programme that didn’t receive X amount of money in the years to come. They will never accept that they have been making tradeoffs in what they’ve wanted done throughout Covid.


Any more reported on covid placentitis?

It appears to have been a flash in the pan for fear mongering by the archbishop. My cousin was incredibly worried, rightfully so as she caught covid while pregnant. Thankfully she had a healthy baby a few weeks back. But all is forgotten since it was the fear flavour of the week.


What about covid autism? Any luck?

I can think of three cases in particular among the TFK fraternity and they all caught it under the bed, drinking whiskey.

normal flu is the bad boy riding into town this winter


The flu deniers would want to reconcile why they were happy for thousands to die from flu every year


Because lockdowns for a flu would be inconceivable to any half normal society and so it didn’t represent an opportunity for angry anarchists to destroy society.


Syphilis is back, and this time it’s personal
