Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

You’ll love Long Covid - it’s respirarory whiplash for work shy lads

About 22% of the people who participated in the survey reported not being able to work – being fired, taking prolonged sick or disability leave, or quitting – due to their illness. And 45% required a reduced work schedule.


The vaccines are indeed working. Something like 2.8 million people remain without a double dose. and nearly half the population remain without any dose.

To believe that that is not a problem, you’d literally have to believe that all this is a worldwide conspiracy.

And I know lots of posters here do.

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You have obviously made the decision to think Long Covid is not a problem. But sure you would, wouldn’t you.

What are the symptoms of long covid? See if I can hop on this bandwagon.

What sort of monster wants to vaccinate kids with an experimental drug for a virus that is of no risk or threat to them?

That’s the type of dogmatic, zealot nutter that is a huge threat to society.


Social welfare benefits recipients.


And what point from your understanding is the tipping point for safety for full resumption- 70/80% of all over 18 fully vaccinated? Similar percentage but entire population to include.under 18?

Based on that level, how far off achieving those targets are we timewise in your own estimate?

At least 70%, preferably 80%. How long will it take? I don’t know, a few months seems a reasonable guesstimate. Seems tolerable to me.

And after that we should have the same mass testing that Denmark have now.

All viruses have a lasting effect pal. If you ever had Glandular Fever it takes months to get over.

Ever heard of Long Glandular Fever.


Tone it down a bit. Mentallers don’t like solutions being suggested.

You should have just said “I haven’t a breeze”

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The OIUTF cult is much more about the wind than a breeze.

Great to finally see you admit how averse you are to having your double standards challenged on NZ and Sweden.

I’ve told you and many more before you that independent studies compare Sweden with other Nordic countries. Whatever complaints you have should be directed to them. They may have good reasons why they don’t compare Sweden with the UK. I’m sure they’ll answer any questions you have.

The Danes are presently at about 55% immunisation so likely less than half when the matches were on. The difference then is their extensive testing as a mechanism that allowed them open far earlier than us?

Yes we know you told us we can only compare Sweden to a select group of countries while you try and compare NZ to countries globally.

I’m just pointing out how absurd and lacking in logic it is.

It seems to me their extensive testing certainly helped to keep things in check. But I highly doubt that was the only reason. You’d have to take every other regulation into account plus the quality of their health service and their general tendency to be more of a rule-obeying society.

And still all this is unlikely to be enough to keep the Delta variant in check. Denmark has gone from 174 cases on June 27th to a latest daily figure of 1,202.


You want to address this?

NPHET fall into that category as they viewed extensive track and trace as an academic exercise and rejected the Zero Covid strategy as unworkable.

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I wasn’t involved in any of the independent reports. They are comparing Sweden to other Nordic countries for reasons that are obvious to me but not to you. I suggest you forward any queries to them. The Swedish government themselves were comparing against their neighbours. Your refusal to accept this is understandable.