Coronavirus Thread (Markey hates Immigrants )

If I was happy for people to die then I would be in a similar camp to yourself. Luckily, I’m not.

You have told us repeatedly that Sweden should only be compared to a select few countries while maintaining NZ should be compared globally.

I can see why you’re doing a bad job defending your position - it’s a contradictory one.

You clearly were. Why didn’t you speak out before about flu as it ravaged the country and health service on an annual basis?

Lads are cracking up without the football

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Looks to be another long day of it ahead for the lads. We must be near reaching a consensus at this stage?


My stance has been consistent from the start. Open it up once a vaccine has been found and rolled out. There is a flu jab available and I take it every year. Your rage is blinding you from the obvious. A straight forward online application for a Covid jab seem to cause you incredible confusion. A jab that you weren’t even going to take. While you continue to shake your fist and stomp your feet then enlightenment is likely beyond you.

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I broke a major exclusive here on TFK at the time - that 1 of the 2 doctors who performed the UCC study, claiming the condition existed, was none other than wannabe celebrity Dr Laura Linehan, who as early as May 2020 had given an interview with Z-list celebrity magazine RSVP, warning about the dangers of Covid19 to pregnant women, even though there was absolutely no evidence to support this claim at the time.

There was clearly a risk of confirmation bias with Dr Linehan’s study. She also thought that Covid Placentitis might make her really famous at last. There was a 2nd more credible UCC doctor who also helped perform the study also but it appears not to have been accepted internationally.


Consistently contradictory. One rule for NZ, one for Sweden.

I don’t people being coerced into something they have genuine grievances about.

You seem to have a lot of grievances against a lot of people. No wonder you’re so irrational and paranoid, carrying all those grudges.

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I’m a very honourable and principled man.

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Waffle and nonsense.

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I’m no doubts your heart is in the right place but unfortunately your head isn’t.

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You’re the guy aligned with the forum nutjob.

You’re aligned with Mattie McGrath and Danny Healy Rae.

@Cheasty and @Malarkey have driven the mentallers even crazier. The fact you’re against them proves how far your star has fallen. Maybe you should consider another rebrand and go again. Your latest stance is ending the same way your predecessor did while highlighting how shit Champions League and Premier League winning manager Jurgen Klopp was.

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You’re aligned with the lad who was banned from this forum for sick comments goading a poster about their ill wife, who then proceeded to having a meltdown on Twitter trying to have the forum shut down and outing individuals who post on here.

Maybe pause and think about the weirdos you associate yourself with.


You really are brain dead.

You are issuing strictures about what people would have said about common or garden flu in a pre vaccine world from a post vaccine perspective.

Why do you not win the Lotto every week, if you can time travel?


You are the very definition of a kango.

No wonder you had such a bad time in school.

So it’s alright that flu killed every winter?